Turmeric : 13 Important Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous plant and it also called as Indian golden spice which is bitter in taste. It is most commonly use in Asian food and as a medical herb.

It is use in Ayurveda, Siddha and Chinese medicine. Main component of turmeric is known as curcumin and it is use to treat many of disease condition.

Synonyms :- Indian saffron, curcuma.

Biological source :- It consist of rhizomes of the plant known as curcuma longa linn.

Family :- It belong to  Zingiberaceae family.

Geographical source :- 90% of turmeric found in India from the total output of the world. It also found in China, Italy, Thailand, Malaysia, N Australia and Archipelago.

Cultivation and collection :- The plant take 7 to 8 months for maturation and after 7 to 8 month the rhizomes are harvested. Using solvent and water for extraction.

Macroscopic character :-

  • Color – Yellowish brown in color.
  • Odor – Characteristic
  • Size – 5 to 10 * 2 to 4 cm
  • Shape – Turmeric rhizome are oblong in shape. Long variety is cylindrical and short branched.

Chemical Constituents :- Yellow coloring substance is known as curcuminoids and chief component of curcuminoids is curcumin which is present about 50-60%. Turmeric also contains volatile oil, starch grains and resin.

History and origin of ginger :- It was found in Farmana date to between 2600 and 2200 BCE. Farmana is belong to Rohtak district of Haryana state in India.

Nutrition of turmeric :- It contain fat, carbohydrate, protein, fiber, sugar, calories, iron, manganese and potassium.

Health Benefits Of Turmeric :-

1. Antioxidant Effect :-

Mainly, antioxidant is found in vegetable and fruits. Antioxidants help to protect from cell damage. Air pollution, inflammation, cigarette smoke and sunlight may increases the oxidative stress in body.

Turmeric action :- It is largely used in a cosmetic and medicines industry. Curcumin is main component of turmeric and it protects against free radical damage. It help to reduces oxidative stress and prevent the cell damage.

According to Antioxidants (Basel), November 2020 meta-analysis, Curcumin can significantly reduce oxidative stress in body. It help to remove reactive oxygen, nitrogen, metal chelation and regulation of numerous enzymes.

According to Adv Exp Med Biol, 2007 review, It can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation of the body.

2. Anti Inflammatory :-

There are two types of inflammation, acute inflammation (It starts rapidly and becomes severe in a short time) and chronic inflammation (It starts slowly and become long term inflammation).

Turmeric action :- Curcumin may help to reduce inflammation. It help to fight against foreign attack and to repair damage in body.

According to Phytother Res, November 2012 clinical study, Alone curcumin is more effective than diclofenac sodium – turmeric combination treatment in rheumatoid arthritis inflammation.

According to Adv Exp Med Biol, 2007 review, Curcumin is effectively reduce acute as well as chronic inflammation in body.

3. Arthritis :- 

Arthritis is a joint inflammation and pain. Common symptoms of arthritis are pain, redness, heat and swelling in joint. Main risk factors of arthritis are age, family history, obesity and joint injury.

Turmeric action :- The curcumin is help to reduce inflammation in body which can be use for all kind of arthritis treatment. Mostly it is use in the combination with other anti inflammatory drug.

According to J Med Food, August 2016 meta-analysis, 1000 mg / day of curcumin is effective in the treatment of arthritis. It is beneficial for inflammation as well as pain during arthritis.

According to Phytother Res, November 2012 clinical study, Alone curcumin (500 Mg) is more effective than the its combination with diclofenac sodium (50 Mg) in rheumatoid arthritis.

As per BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med, 2021 review, Curcumin is beneficial for osteoarthritis pain and function. Its effect is similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

4. High Blood Sugar (Diabetes) :- 

In high blood sugar, your body cells are stop responding to insulin or lack of insulin and it can increase the chances of many of other  chronic diseases. Main three type of diabetes are type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.

Turmeric action :- It is effective against type 2 diabetes. It help to improve insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.

As per Nutrients, 2019 review, 12 gm per day of curcumin is safe use for type 2 diabetes. Curcumin is beneficial for glycaemia (sugar) control. Curcumin extract help to delay diabetes development, improves β-cell functions, prevents β-cell death and decreases insulin resistance.

According to Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2013 review, Curcumin help in prevention and treatment of diabetes. Turmeric help to reduce glycemia and hyperlipidemia.

5. Prevent Cancer :- 

Cancer cells are grow uncontrollably to make new cells and spread to other parts of body. It can start anywhere in the human body. Genetic is main cause of cancer cell growth and then it form tumor.

Turmeric action :- Curcumin is beneficial for to kill and prevent the spread of cancer cell. Specially, it is effective for skin cancer. Its anti inflammatory properties help to prevent cancer tumor growth.

As per J Cancer Res Ther, January-March 2022 review, Curcumin can inhibits the proliferation of many types of cancer cells and play an important role in cancer prevention therapy.

According to AAPS J, September 2009 review, Curcumin is safe, affordable and efficacious to modulates growth of tumor cells through regulation of multiple cell signaling pathways.

6. Antimicrobial :-

Diseases and infection may caused by different types of organisms like viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Turmeric action :- Its main component curcumin is safe and powerful treatment for bacterial, fungal and viral infection. It can be use topically as well as orally to treat various infection.

As per Pharmaceuticals (Basel), Jul 2020 review, Curcumin is use to kill bacteria, fungal and viruses, but with a very selective activity.

According to Biomed Res Int, 2014 review, Polyphenolic compound curcumin act as antimicrobial agent. It is beneficial for bacterial,  fungal and parasites infection.

7. Alzheimer :-

Alzheimer disease affects your memory, thinking and behavior. Mostly, it occur in age of 65 and above. Its main symptom is memory loss. Its exact cause is not understood properly.

Turmeric Action :- Its main component curcumin help to improve Alzheimer symptoms. It is use to improve memory and maintain cerebral vessel.

As per Neural Regen Res, April 2018 review, Curcumin is effectively maintain the normal structure as well as function of mitochondria, synapses and cerebral vessel.

As per Ann Indian Acad Neurol, January-March 2008 review, Curcumin improve overall memory of Alzheimer disease patient by decreasing beta-amyloid plaques, delayed degradation of neurons, metal-chelation, decreased microglia formation.

8. Cardiovascular Disease :-

Cardiovascular disease is a heart and blood vessels disorders which affects the blood flow. Heart disease involve irregular heartbeats, congenital heart defect, heart valve disease, blood vessel and heart muscles problem.

Turmeric action :- Numerous studies have suggested that curcumin play protective role in cardiac disease. It may improving serum lipid levels and improving endothelial function.

According to Nutr J, 2017 meta-analysis, It protect from cardiovascular diseases by improving serum lipid levels. It help to decrease low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides levels.

According to Pharmacol Res, December 2019 meta-analysis, Oral administration of turmeric can improve systolic blood pressure.

According to Cells, February 2022 review, Curcumin is main nutraceutical which is use to reduce cardiovascular risk and improve heart function.

9. Depression :-

Depression is a serious mood disorder which affect thinking, behavior and feel. Its symptom are loss of interest, difficulty to remembering, decrease energy, suicidal thoughts, headache, frustration, sad mood and trouble getting to sleep.

Turmeric action :- Its main component curcumin is help to boost brain and act as an antidepressant. The curcumin is safe and effective treatment for depression disorder.

According to Front Psychiatry, 2020 review, Curcumin can increased serotonin, dopamine and help to inhibit the monoamine oxidase enzymes which is beneficial for depressive disorders.

As per Phytother Res, April 2014 controlled trial, The treatment of fluoxetine (20 mg) and curcumin (1000 mg) is much effective for psychotic disorders (Fluoxetine is use to treat depressive disorder).

10. Digestion :- 

Indigestion is upset of stomach and feel like discomfort in your upper abdomen. Symptoms of indigestion are pain in abdomen, burning in the upper abdomen, fullness during a meal, uncomfortable after meal and nausea.

Turmeric action :- Its main components are beneficial for Irritable bowel syndrome and other digestion problems.

According to Iran J Public Health, June 2022 review, Curcumin improve the severity of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) either take alone or in combination of other irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) medication.

As per J Altern Complement Med, December 2004 clinical trial, One or two tablet of turmeric extract daily for 8 weeks is beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptomology.

As per Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, December 2006 controlled trial, 1gm curcumin after breakfast and 1gm curcumin after the evening meal with sulfasalazine (SZ) or mesalamine is help improve ulcerative colitis (both sulfasalazine and mesalamine used to treat ulcerative colitis). 

11. liver Function :- 

Turmeric Action :- Its anti oxidant properties help to reduce oxidative stress and may beneficial for liver. Human research’s need to confirm.

As per BMC Complements Altern Med, 2016 animal study, Turmeric extract is help to protect from liver injury by decreasing the activities of serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase.

12. Weight Loss :- 

Obesity is a complex issue and its risk factors are unhealthy diet, age, pregnancy, lack of sleep, stress, inactivity, some medication, consumption of alcohol and tobaccos.

Turmeric Action :- As per Int J Mol Sci, January 2022 review, Curcumin is natural polyphenol compound which is effective as well as safer alternative for prevention and managing obesity.

As per Front Pharmacol, June 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis, Its main component curcumin help to reduce weight, maintain body mass index (BMI) and significant improve adiponectin levels.

13. Skin Problems  :- 

Skin problem may be temporary or permanent and it may be painful or painless.

Natural glow :- Its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial to produce natural glow on skin.

Wounds :- Its main component curcumin is effective for wounds healing. It help to reduce infection and inflammation of wound.

Psoriasis (skin redness and itching)  :- It can help to prevent psoriasis.

Acne :- Turmeric help to prevent acne and scars on skin. Its anti inflammatory properties help to reduce inflammation of acne.

Scabies :- Turmeric use as a complementary medicine for scabies treatment.

Vitiligo :- It may effective for vitiligo.

Anti-Aging :- It help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on skin.

As per Nutrients, September 2019 review, Turmeric is safe and effective in the treatment of several skin conditions.

According to Phytother Res, August 2016 review, Both oral and topical turmeric use provide therapeutic benefits for skin health.

Turmeric Tea : Is It Use As Bedtime Tea ? :- 

It is use as a herbal spice form thousands of years and also use to make tea from the plant’s rhizome stems or its underground root. In India, turmeric is also called as Haldi. Its active component is known as curcumin, which is present about 50-60%.

In turmeric tea, using fresh rhizome or dry powder by steeping in hot or cold water. Water change color to yellow and it bitter in taste.

Turmeric tea is caffeine free. Caffeine promoting receptor in brain called adenosine receptor which can help to alert and awake. It dose not contain caffeine, hence turmeric tea can be use in bed time without disturbing sleep.

Is Turmeric Tea Safe During Pregnancy And Breast Feeding People ? :- 

Turmeric traditionally use as a medical herb with anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antioxidant properties. Its essential vitamins and minerals is help to treat many of chronic disease condition.

It is safe during pregnancy period and breast feeding people. Avoid only people who experience allergic to turmeric.

Steps For Making Turmeric Tea :- 

1. Dried turmeric tea (powder) :-

  • Take turmeric powder + add water on it.
  • Bring turmeric powder and water to boil.
  • Strain turmeric pieces.

2. Fresh turmeric tea :-

  • Take cut pieces of turmeric + add water on it.
  • Bring turmeric and water to boil.
  • Strain turmeric pieces.

It is slightly bitter in flavor.

Side Effect Of Turmeric :- 

Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant and it is effective in many disease condition such as arthritis, diabetes, digestion, depression, cancer, Alzheimer, cardiovascular disease and various skin problems.

As per US Food and Drug Administration, It is safe for direct consumption and topical application on skin. Some side effect of turmeric are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance of stomach upset, blood-thinning and risk of low blood sugar.
  • Topical Application :- It may chance of skin irritation.

Always avoid to high consumption during pregnancy period and who experience allergic to turmeric.

About 500mg pure turmeric powder 3 times daily is safe for body.

Balance Diet Include :- Carbohydrate, Proteins, Nitrogenous Food, Fats, Vitamins, Mineral Salt and Water. 

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