6 Important Systems Of Medicine

Systems Of Medicine :- 

  1. Ayurveda systems of medicine. 
  2. Homeopathy systems of medicine. 
  3. Unani systems of medicine. 
  4. Siddha systems of medicine. 
  5. Chinese medicine systems of medicine. 
  6. Aromatherapy systems of medicine. 

1. Ayurveda – Indian systems of medicine

The meaning of ayurveda is “science of life”. Ayurveda is using from ancient time in India as a Indian system of health care. In ayurveda system of medicine, it only focused on views of man and his illness. Ayurveda is using to treat many of disease condition. 

Ayurveda is rely on a “natural” and it is use to treat physical as well as mental health. Mainly it derived from plants, animal, metal and mineral.

Ayurveda is also known as a old science of life and it believed to be prevalent for last 5000 years in India. It is one of the well known systems of medicine in the world. Ayurveda is based on five basic elements viz. AKASHA (Space/Ether), VAYU (Air),  AGNI (Energy/Fire), JALA (Liquid/Water) and PRITHVI (Solid/Earth).

  • 1. Space :- It is located in the body cavities like mouth, thorax, abdomen, lung cavity and digestive tract.
  • 2. Air :- It include movement of muscles, pulsation of heart, expansion /contraction of lungs, functioning of digestive and nervous systems.
  • 3. Energy :- It manifest digestion, metabolism, temperature, vision and intelligence.
  • 4. Liquid :- It is located in cytoplasm, blood, salivary glands and gastric juice.
  • 5. Solid :- It manifest skin, nails, hairs and bones. These elements are manifest in the functioning of our scenes. They are also closely related to our ability to perceive and interact with environment.

They exist in the human body in combined forms like –

1. Vata :- (space and air) – Air Principle

2. Pitta :- (energy and liquid) – Fire Principle  

3. Kapha :- (liquid and solid) – Water Principle  

Vata, pitta and kapha together are called Tridosha (three pillars of life).

Vata, pitta and kapha are in harmony with each other, but in every human being one of them is dominating which in turn is called as the prakruti of that person. Tridosha exist in human body in seven forms called Saptadhatu viz. Rasa (lymph), Rakta (blood), meda (adipose tissue), mamsa (flesh), majja (nervine tissue), Shukra (reproductive tissue) and asthi (bones).

When tridosha and saptadhatu are in balance with each other then it called as healthy condition. When tridosha and saptadhatu are imbalance causes a pathological condition. 

It is hypothesized that the five characters of the medicinal herbs viz. rasa, guna, virya, vipak and prabhava can be applied to various pathological condition. Ayurveda medicines are generally safe and have little or no known adverse side effects.

Treatment :- 

The curative treatment consists of Aushadhi (drugs), Ahara (diet) and Vihara (life style).

Ayurveda can give positive effects when it is used as a complementary therapy in the combination with standard. It should not replace standard, conventional medical care, especially when treating serious conditions.

A number of other dosage forms like churna, avaleha, ghrita, sandhana kalpa, bhasma are prepared from them. Mostly, all of them are polyherbal formulations.

2. Homeopathic systems of medicine 

The word “Homeopathy” is derived from two Greek words Homois meaning similar and pathos meaning suffering. Homeopathy has been developed in the eighteenth century by Samuel Hahnemann – A German physician and chemist. He is The founder of homoeopathy and was born on 10th April, 1755 at Meissen in Saxony of Germany. He was basically M.D medicine allopathic doctor who turned in to Homoeopath. He Died on 2nd July 1843. He proposed that the cause of disease itself can be used for its treatment. Hahnemann put like cures like low (Similae Similibus Curentur).

Homeopathy = homois (similar) + pathos (suffering).

The cause of the disease itself can be use in its treatment i.e. law of similar. This is the basic principle of homeopathy.

Treatment :- 

The drug treatment is not specified, but the choice of drug depends on symptoms and the clinical condition of the patient. In homeopathy treatment, patient & medicine symptoms are similar. Homeopathic treatment depend on term proving and prover. In a healthy person called prover, the symptoms created by different doses of drug extracts which is called proving. In homeopathic treatment consider emotional, physical and mental change of the prover.

  • Like cures like – A disease can be cured by homeopathic medicine that produces similar symptoms in patient (like disease).
  • Law of minimum dose – Lower the dose of the homeopathic medication produce the greater its effectiveness.

The selection of the homeopathic medicine depends upon the symptoms of the drug and patient condition. During treatment,  identify the patient symptoms and same type of extract is given for treatment.

During your appointment, a homeopathy will ask a number of questions about your mental, emotional and physical health. They will prescribe the remedy that best matches all of your symptoms.

During the treatment, the drug extracts are extremely diluted. The drugs are extracted in the form of mother tincture and further diluted in terms of decimal potencies. Various medicinal plants are used in homeopathic system.

The nourishment of body through four humours :- 

  • Blood.
  • Phlegm.
  • Yellow bile.
  • Black bile.

The four humors are blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile belong to four qualities of the states like hot, cold, moist and dry. They are act as earth, water, fire and air.

Basic seven working principles put by arabian physicians included elements, temperaments, humours, organs life, spirit, energy and actions. These principles are responsible for good health.

The diagnostic process of unani system is dependent on observation and physical examination. Diagnosis involves, examination fact of the causes of disease in detail. Treatment of unani system is depending on only cause of disease not depending on symptoms of disease. The physicians depend mainly on pulse reading, examination of urine and stool.

Pulse observed during the diagnosis by :-
  • Quantity.
  • Force.
  • Duration of movement.
  • Condition of the vessel wall.
  • Volume.
  • Duration of the rest period.
  • Palpitation of the pulse.
  • Equality and inequality.
  • Balance of the pulse.
  • Rhythm.

Aim of the unani system is to treating the cause of disease and not its symptoms. Unani treatment need thorough history of the patient and recorded in addition to his pulse, urine and stool examinations.

The disease condition occur due to the imbalance between humours. 

Treatment :-  

  • Balance diet therapy.
  • Regimental therapy (It includes massage, cauterization, exercise, diaphoresis, diuresis, turkish bath and leeching).
  • Pharmaco therapy (it is using by drug to particular disease condition).
  • Surgery (through operate the particular).

4. Siddha systems of medicine 

The word siddha which means “an object to be attained or perfection“. It is treat on body, mind and the soul. The term ‘Siddha’ means achievement. Medication through practice of Bhakti and Yoga.

Siddha system is a pre-vedic and identified in dravidian culture. For diagnosis, it involve identifying its causes. The diagnosis of diseases done through study of voice, pulse reading, urine examination, color of body, examination of tongue and status of digestive system.

Treatment :-

The treatment is consist of herbal drugs and most of the medications are administered orally. Siddha medicine is one of the safest forms of treatment.

Siddha treatment is not only use to treat disease condition but also take care of the patient physical condition, physiological constitution environment, meteorological consideration, habits, mental frame, habitat, diet and appetite etc.

The literature of siddha system is mostly in South India. Few natural drugs are used in siddha system include Alari, Gomathai, Abini, Ethi, Ratha polam and Haikalli

5. Chinese systems of medicine 

Chinese medicine is traditional medicine system in China. Chinese medicine “holds that the body’s vital energy circulates through channels called meridians. The hypothesis includes two quite different systems the yin and yang theory and the five elements (i.e. water, metal, earth, fire and wood).

As per yin and yang theory, everything in the universe consists of a dark (yin) and light side (yang). The yin and yang is opposites like wet and dry, up and down or day and night.

According to this system, diseased conditions are occur when imbalance in yin and yang.

Treatment :-

Use various herbs formulation in the treatment of chinese system. In the chineses medicine, it holds that the body’s important energy and it circulates to whole body. 

The important herbs of this system are Schisandra, Chinensis, Agastache rugosa, Carthamus tinctorius, Clerodendron trichotomum, Panax ginseng, Schizonepeta tenuifolia Ephedra sinica and Rheum palmatum etc.

6. Aromatherapy 

Various essential oils are use in aromatherapy. Aromatherapy use from ancient time 4500 B.C. It can be use by aromatic baths and scented massage.

In this aromatherapy, using the natural oils extracted from bark, flowers, stems, roots, leaves or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being. Essential oils are natural and much effective in human health. Essential oils are hydrophobic in nature.

They are massaged into the skin or inhaled or taken as bath. They have been shown to heal wounds, promote formation of scar tissue, treat acne, various skin problems, pre-menstrual tension, rheumatism, poor circulation and also nervine disorders like headache, stress and insomnia etc.

Various Essential Oils Used In Aromatherapy Are :-
  • Rosemary :- It is promote hair growth and boost memory.
  • Basil :- It use to relieve headaches and migraines. It should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • Sandalwood :- It is used believed by some to have aphrodisiac qualities.
  • Tea tree :- It is used in shampoos and skin care products, to treat acne, burns and bites.
  • Thyme :- Essential oil help to reduce fatigue, nervousness and stress.
  • Clove :- It is act as a topical painkiller, that is commonly used for toothache.
  • Eucalyptus :- It is help relieve the airways during a cold or flu.
  • Bergamot :- It is useful for the urinary tract and digestive tract.
  • Jasmine :- It is act as a stimulant, it might increase penile blood flow.
  • Lavender :- It is used as an antiseptic for minor cuts, burns and to enhance relaxation and sleep.
  • Black pepper :- It is used for stimulating the circulation, muscular aches, pains and bruises.
  • Chamomile :- Essential oil can treat skin inflammation.  
  • Citronella :- It is a relative of lemongrass and acts as an insect repellent.
  • Geranium :- It is used for skin problems, to reduce stress and as a mosquito repellant.
  • Yarrow :- It is treat symptoms of cold, flu and to help reduce joint inflammation.
  • Lemon :- It is help relieve stress and depression.

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