Olive Oil : 7 Important Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

Olive oil is extract from ripe olives. It is using in cooking, cosmetic products, medicine, hair oil and soaps preparation. Its flavor and color depending on the ripeness of the olives, soil type and climate.

It is available in extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, refined olive oil, pure olive oil and pomace olive oil. Its extra virgin form contain much nutrition and more beneficial than other.

Synonyms :- Oleum Olivae.

Biological Source :- It is fixed oil from the ripe fruit of Olea Europoea Linne.

Family :- It is belong to Oleaceae family.

Geographical Source :- It cultivate in United States and Southern Australia. Italy, Spain, Greece are the leading countries for olive oil production. It also cultivate in Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and Syria.

Description :- 

  • Color :- Pale yellow or greenish yellow.
  • Taste :- Faintly acrid, bland.
  • Odor :- Characteristic.

Chemical Constituent :- It contain triglycerides in the form of olein, palmitin and linolein.

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil :- 

1. Heart :- 

Coronary heart disease is a common heart problem. Its main risk factors are physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, high alcohol consumption and tobacco use.

Its common symptoms are pain or discomfort in chest, pain or discomfort in elbows, shortness of breath, vomiting, nausea, difficulty in speaking, dizziness and unconsciousness.

Olive Oil Action :- Its polyphenols and other components are beneficial for stabilize heart rhythms, maintain blood cholesterol levels, improve endothelial function and reduce risk of stroke.

Its extra virgin form is much effective for cardiovascular disease. Foods saturated fat is replace by its monounsaturated fats which help to reduce cardiovascular risk.

It is use to reduce systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure in hypertension.

According to Front Nutr, October 2022 meta analysis, Its consumption can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

As per BMC Med, May 2014 randomized controlled trial, Daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil is help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular mortality.

According to Oxid Med Cell Longev, October 2017 review, Its polyphenols play protective role against cardiovascular diseases.

As per Am J Hypertens, December 2012 randomized controlled trial, Polyphenol rich olive oil help to improve endothelial function and maintain blood pressure.

As per J Am Coll Cardiol, October 2015 comparative study, It is rich in monounsaturated fat which beneficial for improve blood cholesterol levels and stabilize heart rhythms.

According to Lipids Health Dis, October 2014 review, Its monounsaturated fat can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. Brain Function And Alzheimer Disease :- 

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder and it affect memory, thinking, behavior and social skills. Its main risk factors are increasing age, family history, sex, air pollution, high alcohol consumption and poor sleep.

Olive Oil Action :- It is use to improve memory, behavior, thinking and social skills by reducing blood brain barrier. Its consumption is beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease.

Its extra virgin form can significantly improve behavioral scores and clinical dementia rating.

As per J Alzheimers Dis, 2020 randomized controlled trial, Phenolic extra virgin olive oil is use to improve learning, remembering, concentrating and making decisions.

As per Nutrients, December 2022 randomized controlled trial, Extra virgin olive oil is help to improve blood brain barrier permeability.

According to ACS Chem Neurosci, November 2015 study, Dietary consumption of extra virgin olive oil can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

As per Rev Neurol (Paris), December 2019 animal review, Extra virgin form effectively improve memory and thinking skills.

3. Cancer :- 

Cancer cells are grow almost anywhere in body. Its main risk factors are excessive body weight, poor nutrition, high alcohol consumption, smoking and lack of physical activity.

Common symptoms of cancer are lump under skin, indigestion, muscle pain, fever, difficulty in breathing, unexplained bleeding, weight loss, changes in skin and fatigue.

Olive Oil Action :- It can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cell and beneficial for all type of cancer.

According to PLoS One, January 2022 meta analysis, Its consumption is effective against any of cancer like breast, gastrointestinal, urinary tract and upper aerodigestive track cancer.

According to Lipids Health Dis, July 2011 systematic review, Its monounsaturated fat and other components are provide protection from cancer.

As per Nutrients, January 2019 study, It is use as food supplements with potential effects on cancer prevention. More human clinical trials are needed.

As per Mol Nutr Food Res, January 2013 review, It can inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis in tumor cell lines.

4. Anti inflammatory And Arthritis :-

Arthritis is a swelling and tenderness in joints. Its most common symptoms are swelling, pain, redness and decrease in motion. Main risk factors of arthritis are increasing age, sex, injury, obesity and family history.

Two types of inflammation are acute inflammation (short lived) and chronic inflammation (long lasting).

Olive Oil Action :- Oleic acid is a fatty acid of olive oil which help to reduce inflammation. Its topical application is use to reduce arthritis inflammatory pain.

As per Rehabil Nurs, March-April 2020 randomized controlled trial, Dry massage of extra virgin olive oil is effective for inflammatory pain of joints in rheumatic arthritis.

As per Antioxidants (Basel), April 2021 animal study, Phenolic compound of its extra virgin form is beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis inflammation.

According to Curr Pharm Des, 2011 review, Ibuprofen and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil are similar effective in inflammation. (Ibuprofen is use to manage and treat inflammatory diseases).

According to Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets, 2018 review, Its phenolic compound can improve rheumatoid arthritic and  bowel inflammation.

According to Int J Mol Sci, July 2014 review, Its virgin form is beneficial for chronic inflammatory disease.

As per Nutrients, October 2017 study, Its topically or orally use can prevent cartilage damage due to osteoarthritis. More improvements needs.

5. Constipation :- 

Constipation is a problem of stool passing. Its common causes are lack of fiber diet, aging, not drinking enough water, stress, certain medicines and changes in routine.

Main symptoms of constipation are pain in passing stools, rectum blocked feeling and stool become hard, dry or lumpy.

Olive Oil Action :-  Its oral consumption and abdominal massage both are use to treat constipation. Its extra virgin form is much beneficial in constipation.

As per Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery, October 2021 clinical trial, Abdominal massage with extra virgin olive oil is effective for constipation treatment.

As per J Ren Nutr, January 2015 randomized controlled trial, Its 4 ml per day dose can improve constipation.

6. Anti Bacterial Effect :- 

It is use to treat or prevent bacterial infection.

Olive Oil Action :- Its polyphenolic compound can inhibit the bacterial growth. Its topical application or oral consumption are effective for bacterial infection.

As per Microorganism, September 2019 study, Polyphenolic extract of extra virgin olive oil is beneficial for bacterial infection.

As per J Clin Exp Dent, November 2018 study, Ozonized olive oil is more sensitive to gram negative bacteria than gram positive bacteria against oral and periodontal pathogens.

As per Front Pharmacol, April 2022 study, Its extra virgin form can be use against bacterial infection.

7. Diabetes :- 

Diabetes affect uses of blood sugar. Its main risk factors are family history and environmental. Common symptoms of diabetes are dry mouth, feeling tired, dry skin, increase urination, blurry vision, weight loss, fatigue and weakness.

Olive Oil Action :- It effective in the management of type 2 diabetes.

As per Nutr Diabetes, April 2017 review, It help to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes.

Olive Oil Nutrition :- 

It is rich source of unsaturated fat and small amount of saturated fat. Its essential nutrition are beneficial for diabetes, cancer, inflammation, arthritis, constipation, Alzheimer and bacterial infection.

It is good source of calories and its vitamins help to improve immunity. Extra virgin form contain more nutrition. It can be use orally and topically.

Its essential nutrition are :-

  • Calories.
  • Saturated Fat.
  • Monounsaturated Fat.
  • Polyunsaturated Fat.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin E.

Side Effects Of Olive Oil :- 

It is use to treat heart health, brain functions, cancer, arthritis, constipation, diabetes, inflammation and bacterial infection. It is using in cooking and to make cosmetic product, medicines, hair oil, soaps etc.

Its oral consumption and topical application are consider as safe for daily use. Some peoples are allergic to olive oil.

Its some common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It regular consumption may chance to obesity, trembling, hypoglycemia, nausea, sweating, weakness and dizziness. Its high consumption can affect lipid metabolism.
  • In topical application :- It may chance to skin irritation, skin rashes and skin breaking.

Always consult your doctor or use less amount of olive oil during pregnant period and breast feeding women.

Storage Of Olive Oil :- 

It is available in extra virgin form, virgin form, refined form, pure form, pomace oil form. Extra virgin form contain more nutrition than other.

It is effective in cancer, inflammation, diabetes, heart health, brain function, constipation, arthritis and bacteria infection. Proper storage can help to preserve its nutation.

12 to 22 °C is recommend for storage and it can retain its all nutrition within 18 month of manufacturing. Always avoid exposed to direct light, heat and oxygen. It should be store in cool (room temperature), dark and dry place.

It always store in clean and dark glass bottles. Well store olive oil can be use in daily cooking, medicine, soap and hair oil preparation.

For long storage, refrigeration is a best option in glass container. Container should be air tight and always avoid plastic container.

Types Of Olive Oil :-

It contain many essential nutrition which is beneficial for cancer, heart health, brain functions, arthritis, diabetes, inflammation, constipation and bacterial infection.

It is rich source of monounsaturated fat and many other antioxidant. Its oil get from grinding or pressing whole olives.

It is classified into main five types :-

  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Virgin olive oil.
  • Refined olive oil.
  • Pure olive oil. 
  • Olive pomace oil. 

All types are made from olives with different extraction methods which belong to Oleaceae family.

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil :- It is prepare under least process and hence it retain more nutrition than other. It has excellent flavor, odor and its free fatty acid is less than 0.8 gm per 100 gm. It is safe for cooking with high (191°C) smoke point.

It is more healthful and contain more polyphenols with pleasant taste than others. It has lower acidity content and golden green colour.

2. Virgin olive oil :- It is unrefined form of olive oil. It has good flavor, odor and its free fatty acid is 2 gm per 100 gm. It has slightly high acidity content. Mostly, it is use for low heat cooking purpose.

Virgin form related to the authenticity of olive oil and it is cheaper than extra virgin olive oil.

3. Refined olive oil :- Black and ripe olive fruits are use for its extraction. It contain least amount of virgin olive oil. It is only good for cooking purposes. Refined olive oil is obtained from virgin olive oils by refining methods.

4. Pure olive oil :- It is only use for body massages and cooking. Pure olive oil is light yellow in colour.

5. Olive pomace oil :- It is lowest quality olive oil. It is used in massages and high heat cooking.

How To Make Olive Oil At Home :- 

It is effective in heart problems, Alzheimer, cancer, arthritis, constipation, inflammation, bacterial infection and diabetes.

In market, it is available in extra virgin form, virgin form, refined form, pure form and pomace oil form. Oil is made from olives that grow on olive trees. It can be use in daily cooking, medicines, hair oil, cosmetic product and soaps.

Unripe green olives or ripe black olives can be use for oil preparation. Ripe olives contain more health benefits than unripe olives. Fresh and dry olives are more suitable for its production.

Process to make oil from olives :- 

  1. Wash olives properly with cool water and separate the extra impurities like leaves, twigs and stones.
  2. Crush your olives to make rough paste and then fine paste.
  3. Add some water to your olives paste and blend for some minuet.
  4. Strain the liquid with the help to strainer in container.
  5. Transfer it to a large glass container and let it separate oil from water.
  6. Collect oil and store in well air tight dark color glass container.

It is nutraceutical supplement use in pharmaceuticals industry and to make cosmetic products. During storage always avoid plastic container. Store in dry, cool and dark place.

Oil taste is depend on ripeness olive fruits. Green colour fruit change its colour to violet and black.

Balance Diet Include :- Carbohydrate, Proteins, Nitrogenous Food, Fats, Vitamins, Mineral Salt and Water. 

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