Neem : 9 Important Health Benefits Of Neem

All parts of neem tree are use in ayurveda medicine, unani medicine and homoeopathic medicine. It is available in capsule, powder and oil form.

It is use to make soap, cream, shampoo, tincture, mouthwash and young twigs for dental health. Its barks are use to make toothpastes and toothpowders.

Synonym :- Margosa.

Biological Source :- It consist of all aerial parts of plant known as Azadirachta indica.

Family :- It is belong to Meliaceae family.

Geographical Source :- It is found in India, Bangladesh, Shri Lanka, Thailand, Mauritius, Pakistan, South Africa, East Africa, Malaysia and Fiji.

Macroscopic Characters :- 

  • Colour :- Vibrant green (leaves) and brown, greyish-black (bark).
  • Odour :- Characteristic.
  • Taste :-  Extremely bitter.
  • Size :- 20 to 25 cm in length (leaves).
  • Shape :- Elongated to oblong and serrate margin (leaves).

Chemical Constituent :- 

  • Leaves :- Azardirachtin, Meliantriol and Salanin.
  • Flowers :- Nimbosterol, Myricitin and Kaempferol.
  • Bark :- Nimbin, Nimbinin Nimbidin, Margolone and Margolonone.
  • Seed :- Nimbin, Nimbidin and Azardirachtin.
  • Fruit :- Deacetyl azadirachtinol.

Health Benefits Of Neem :- 

1. Skin Health :- 

Skin is made of water, protein, fats and minerals. Skin help to maintain body temperature and protect from external germs.

Neem Action :- Its vitamin E is beneficial for dry skin, skin infections, wounds, itchy skin, psoriasis, pigmentation, eczema and repair damaged skin cells. Topical application of neem oil is help to improve skin elasticity and also use as mosquito repellant.

It is available in creams, soap, lotions and other cosmetic form. Its oil should be dilute with other oil, its pure form can affect to skin.

According to Indian J Dermatol, November-December 2021 review, Its all parts are use in the management of skin infections, wounds, pigmentation, skin inflammation and various skin ailments.

According to Recent Adv Antiinfect Drug Discov, 2012 review, It is effective for both systemic as well as topical disorders.

2. Oral Health :- 

Main symptoms of gum disease are loose teeth, bad breath, pain during chewing, reddish gum and bleeding. Use of tobacco, stress, diabetes and smoking can increase chances of gum disease.

Neem Action :- Chewing neem twigs is beneficial for oral bacterial infection and maintain oral health. It is available in many toothpastes as well as toothpowder to treat dental plaque, oral inflammation and inhibit the growth of microorganism in mouth.

According to Pharmacogn Rev, January – June 2015 study, Its bark or twigs are effective for bad breath, toothache, cleaning teeth, oral bacterial infection and maintaining oral health.

According to J Pharm Bioallied Sci, August 2020, randomized controlled trial, Neem gel is a good herbal alternative to reduce dental plaque, gum inflammation and microbial counts. Both neem gel and chlorhexidine gel are equally effective for oral problems.

According to J Pharm Bioallied Sci, August 2012 pilot study, Its oil is beneficial for dental plaque. It help to reduce sticky film of bacteria form teeth.

3. Wound Healing :- 

Wound healing is the process that repairs the damage skin. Smoking, unhealthy diet, circulation problems, medications and disease condition such as diabetes, anemia, cancer can affect wound healing.

Neem Action :- Its fresh leaves extract or oil are beneficial for wound infection and promote wound healing activity. Both oral consumption and topical application are effective for wound healing.

According to Ayu, October – December 2014 study, Topical application of neem oil is effective in healing the chronic wound.

According to Planta Med, June 2015 animal studies, Its leaves extract is help to improve wound healing in diabetic rats.

4. Acne :- 

Acne is an inflammatory disorder and mostly it occur in teens as well as young age adults. Its risk factors are some medication, hormonal changes, family history and age.

Symptoms of acne are red bumps, whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and painful lumps on face.

Neem Action :- It help to reduce inflammation and bacterial infection of acne. It is available in various soaps and face wash to treat acne. Both oral consumption and topical application are beneficial to treat acne.

As per J Cosmet Dermatol, July 2022 clinical study, Purifying neem face wash is effective for mild to moderate acne without any side effect.

According to 2013 journal, Its oil is effective for acne microbes and use to maintain skin electricity.

5. Hair Health :- 

Head lice are tiny wingless insects in human scalp. Its symptoms are lice on scalp, lice eggs, small red bumps, itching and mostly it affect to children.

Dandruff is small pieces of dry skin flake off on the scalp which cause itching and flaky skin.

Neem Action :- Its active component azardirachtin is a powerful insect repellant. It help to reduce fungal infection, disrupt parasite growth and improve hair health.

Many neem containing shampoo, soap are use against head lice and dandruff.

As per Parasitol Res, January 2007 clinical trial, Its seed extract shampoo are much beneficial against all stages of head lice without any side effect.

According to Parasitol Res, January 2012 study, Single treatment of neem seed extract based shampoo is effective for eliminate head louse infestation.

According to Evid Bases Complement Alternat Med, March 2016 review, Its extract or oil play important role in the growth inhibition of numerous microbes which is effective for hair health and dandruff.

6. Mosquito or Insect Repellent :- 

Mosquitoes or insect can spread viruses that can cause serious diseases and affect skin surface. Number of plant base products are available as a mosquito repellents.

Neem Action :- Its oil is use in various mosquito repellent products which is natural, inexpensive and less toxic for all night protection against mosquitoes.

Mixture of neem oil and coconut oil is much effective for mosquito protection. It is also use to treat the early symptoms of malaria.

As per Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, March 1995 clinical trial, Topical application of neem oil provide protection against mosquito bites. Mixture of 2% neem oil with coconut oil is use to keep safe from anophelines, aedes and armigeres mosquito.

According to Malar J, 2009 study, Its oil formulation is effective in controlling mosquito larvae and provide protection against insect.

7. Diabetes :-  

Diabetes increases your sugar (glucose) level in blood and it can affects to all age people. Its main types are type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.

Its symptoms are weight loss, increase hunger, frequent urination, blurry vision, increase thirst and fatigue. Family history and environment are main risk factor of diabetes.

Neem Action :- Its aqueous extracts, powder are use to reduce blood sugar and protect from hyperglycemia.

As per Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes, 2020 controlled clinical study, It help to reduce postprandial blood sugar and fasting blood sugar level. Both neem and metformin are equally effective in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

(Metformin is used to treat high blood sugar levels).

According to Evid Based Complements Alternat Med, 2011 study, A. indica (Neem) chloroform and B. spectabilis aqueous extracts are good nutraceutical for the treatment of diabetes.

According to Iran J Basic Med Sci, March 2012 review, Its nutrition play protective role in diabetes.

According to Curr Med Chem Anticancer Agents, March 2015 review, Its leaf is use to reduce high sugar levels in blood. It is use in Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathic medicine to treat diabetes.

8. Gastric Ulcer :- 

Gastric ulcer is occur inside the stomach and its common symptoms are burning stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, feeling of fullness and bloating in stomach.

Common causes of gastric ulcer are bacterial infection, some medication, high alcohol consumption, smoking, stress and radiation treatments.

Neem Action :- Orally aqueous extract of neem bark is use to prevent or treat ulcers. It inhibit the volume of gastric secretion and its pepsin activity.

Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole or H2 blockers such as ranitidine medicines and neem extract are equally effective in gastric acidity and ulcer.

According to Phytother Res, June 2009 review, Its bark extract is beneficial for gastric ulcer and hyperacidity.

As per Life Sci, October 2004 clinical trial, About 30-60 mg neem bark extract is effective for control acid secretion and gastroduodenal ulcers.

9. Antimicrobial Effect :-

Antimicrobial substance is help to destroy or suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Some antimicrobial products are use to cleaning.

Neem Action :- Its extract is use to prevent or treat harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Its ethanolic extract is more effective than its normal extract. Mostly, it is use for dental care and food safety purpose.

Topical application of neem oil is beneficial for skin infection. It also use as broad spectrum pesticide and fertilizer in agriculture.

According to Front Pharmacol, 2022 review, Its extracts is effective against human harmful pathogens and drug resistant organisms.

According to Vet Med Sci, September 2021 study, The ethanolic extract of neem leaf is beneficial against multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogenic bacteria of poultry.

According to Curr Med Chem Anticancer Agents, March 2005 review, It is use in ayurveda, unani, homoeopathic medicine to treat microbial infection.

Precaution Of Neem :- 

It contain essential nutrition which is beneficial for many disease condition such as gastric ulcer, diabetes, hair problems, acne, wound, oral and skin health.

Always consult your doctor or avoid using of neem product during pregnancy and breastfeeding women. In pregnancy, it may chance to miscarriage.

Avoid its use during chronic disease, neem sensitive and allergy people.

For topical application, Always use diluted its oil with other oil such as coconut oil. Pure neem oil may affect your skin.

Infants, children, breastfeeding and pregnant people always consult your doctor or avoid use of neem oil for skin.

Side Effects Of Neem :- 

Its daily consumption and topical application both are safe to treat disease condition such as diabetes, gastric ulcer, acne, hair problems, oral and skin health. Children are more sensitive to neem.

For oral consumption, It is available in capsule, powder and tablet form. For topical application, It is available in cream, oil, soap and shampoo.

Its some common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance to vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and drowsiness. Its long time or heavy dose may affect to liver and kidney.
  • In topical application :- It may chance to irritation, inflammation, itching, discoloration and discomfort on skin.

Dosing Of Neem :- 

It contain many essential antioxidant which is beneficial for health. Not enough scientific information available to determine average dose of neem.

Age, sex, body weight are some factor affect dose of neem. Its heavy dose may affect to liver and kidney. Always avoid its oral consumption and topical application during pregnancy as well as breastfeeding period.

Neem Oil :- 

Its oil is present in fruits and seeds of neem tree which is cloudy and yellow to brown in color. Its oil is bitter in taste and garlic/sulfur/mustard in smell.

It is using in traditional medicine and beauty products such as creams, hair products, lotions and other cosmetic.

It is rich source of fatty acid, triglycerides, calcium and vitamin E. It can be use orally as well as topically which contain many other essential nutrition.

For topical application, its oil should dilute with other oil such as coconut oil or olive oil. Pure form of neem oil can affect to skin.

It is use with the help of cotton swab or cotton ball on skin and can wash with normal soap or shampoo or warm water.

Neem Oil Preparation :- 

It can be prepare by using cold and hot preparation method. Home made neem oil is cost effective and can be store for long time. Its oil is using in various preparation such as soap, shampoo and lotion.

Neem oil use in Chinese, Ayurvedic and Unani medicines.

1. Neem Oil Cold Preparation 
  • Take a fresh leaves of neem and wash it properly.
  • Remove impurity and excessive water from leaves.
  • Mix its leaves with coconut oil in glass container.
  • Cover lid of container and set aside for two weeks.
  • After two week, open a lit and filter the oil from it.
  • Oil should be store in airtight glass container.
2. Neem Oil Hot Preparation 
  • Take a fresh leaves of neem and wash it properly.
  • Remove impurity and excessive water from leaves.
  • Grind the leaves with the help of grinder and make it paste.
  • Add coconut oil in a neem paste.
  • Boil this mixture with proper stir. (with help of water or direct heat)
  • After boil, filter it properly and store in airtight glass container.

It is fast growing evergreen tree. Its fruits are green in colour which turn golden yellow on ripening in the months of June to August. Its twigs are beneficial for toothache and cleaning of teeth.

Balance Diet Include :- Carbohydrate, Proteins, Nitrogenous Food, Fats, Vitamins, Mineral Salt and Water. 

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