Lemon : 9 Important Health Benefits Of Lemon

Lemon is a citrus fruits and it is rich source of vitamin C, fiber and many health beneficial components. It is acidic in nature, lemon juice has 2 pH.

It is largely use for medical industry, nutritional purpose, cooking and cleaning. Its oil use to make perfumes, jams, jellies, soaps, juices, molasses and skin creams.

Synonym :- Cortex limonis.

Biological Source :- It consist of a ripe or nearly ripe fruits of Citrus Limon (L). 

Family :- It belong to Rutaceae family.

Geographical Source :- Mainly, it cultivated in countries like Italy, Spain and Sicily. Also cultivated in India, Florida, California, Australia and Jamaica.

Macroscopic Characters :- 

  • Colour :- Outer surface of lemon fruit is bright green – yellow in colour.
  • Odour :- Strong, fragrant, aromatic and characteristic.
  • Taste :- Bitter and aromatic.
  • Size :- Lemon fruit are 3 cm to 12 cm in length.
  • Shape :- Spherical to oblong in shape.

Chemical Constituents :- The volatile oil of the drug contain mainly limonene, citral and other aromatic compound like geranyl acetate and terpineol. Lemon also contain pectin, hesperidin, calcium oxalate and bitter substances.

Health Benefits Of Lemon :- 

1. Weight Loss :-  

Main causes of obesity are calories rich food, physical inactivity, excessive stress, poor sleep, certain medication, some health condition, emotional and genetic factor.

Main sings of obesity are being snoring, feel tired, always hungry, breathlessness and increasing in blood pressure.

Lemon Action :- Drinking lots lemon water is beneficial for increase the metabolic rate, increase the number of calories burn, improve body mass index and maintain body weight.

Lemon water help to lose body weight more faster than normal water. Its polyphenols are effective for suppress weight gain. Drinking hot water with lemon is more beneficial in weight loss treatment.

According to Phytother Res, August 2020 meta analysis, Consumption of citrus fruit or its extracts are beneficial for to reduce body weight and improve body mass index (BMI).

As per J Clin Biochem Nutr, November 2008 study, Its polyphenols are help to suppress weight gain and improve fat accumulation by increasing the peroxisomal β-oxidation.

According to Adv Nutr, July 2014 review, It consist of naringin flavonoids and naringin supplementation is effective for obesity treatment and other metabolic syndrome.

2. Kidney Stone :- 

Symptoms of kidney stone are blood in urine, nausea, vomiting, urine bad smell, urine become cloudy or change color to reddish brown, severe pain below the rips at lower abdomen and groin.  

Its main causes are drinking insufficient water, obesity, physical activity, high salt or sugar containing food, family history and some medications. The most common type of kidney stone is calcium oxalate stone.

Lemon Action :- Its citric acid may help to prevent kidney stone by increasing urine pH and volume. It is use as alternative treatment for urinary stones.

Its juice or lemonade is a natural source of citrate which is beneficial for reduce size of stone and prevent new stone formation.

As per E Clinical Medicine, December 2021 PROBE trial, Daily consumption of fresh lemon juice (60 mL twice a day) is effective for prevent stone recurrence in patients with calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis.

As per J Urol, September 1996 clinical trial, Lemonade can increase the urinary citrate levels without changing total urinary volume which is beneficial for to treat hypocitraturic calcium nephrolithiasis.

According to Arch Ital Urol Androl, July 2015 review, Citrus fruit such as lemon can increase the urine citrate level and provide protection against the risk of stone in kidney.

As per Urol Res, December 2008 randomized controlled trial, No significant difference between in the values of blood tests after treatment of fresh lemon juice and potassium citrate. Its fresh juice is use as alternative treatment for urinary calcium stones in patients with hypocitraturia.

3. Cancer Risk :- 

The normal cells become converted to cancerous cell very fastely. Some common cancer are breast cancer, lunge cancer, blood cancer, rectal cancer and prostate cancer.

Main symptoms of cancer are fever, unexpecting weight loss, chronic pain, fatigue, skin changes, more bleeding and difficult to breathing. Genetic is most common factor of cancer.

Lemon Action :- All citrus fruit are effective for reduce the risk of cancer and protect from cells damage. Its main components are beneficial for cancer treatment.

According to Front Pharmacol, 2017 systematic review, It is a citrus fruit which play an important role in the prevention of cancer. Citrus juices and their extracts are use in oncological therapies.

According to Front Nutr, 2022 study, Combination of lemon and ginger herbal drink is effective for cancer as well as to improve immunity.

According to Food Funct, February 2013 study, Citrus limonoids are group of highly oxygenated terpenoid which is found in citrus fruits such as lemons. Citrus limonoids are beneficial for estrogen responsive breast cancer.

According to J Nutr, March 1999 review, Monoterpenes are compound found in the essential oils of citrus fruits. Monoterpenes are effective chemoprevention and use in chemotherapy of cancer.

4. Respiratory Infection :- 

Two types of respiratory infections are upper and lower respiratory infections. Virus enters in body through the eyes, nose or mouth. Main symptoms of respiratory infection are cough, fever, runny nose, voice change, fatigue, sore throat, red eyes and neck swelling.

Lemon Action :- It is good source of essential nutrition which help to protect from respiratory infection. Warm lemon water and honey is use in the treatment of common cough and cold.

Its vitamin C and vitamin B6 is beneficial for improve immunity, cough as well as cold symptoms.

According to Nutrients, November 2017 review, Its vitamin C can treat respiratory as well as systemic infections by enhancing various immune cell functions.

According to Am J Lifestyle Med, May-June 2016 meta analysis and systematic review, Consumption of vitamin C (0.2 gm/day or above) is help to decreased severity and duration of cold.

According to J Am Acad Nurse Pract, May 2009 review, Consumption of vitamin C may beneficial for reduce the duration of cold symptoms, but it does not decrease the severity of cold symptoms.

5. Heart Health :- 

High cholesterol and high triglycerides can increase the chances of heart problem. Irregular heartbeat, chest pain, dizziness, fainting and shortness of breath are some symptoms of heart problems.

Its some causes are obesity, smoking, unhealthy diet, high low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and physical inactivity.

Lemon Action :- Its dietary fiber may effective for to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood lipid level.

Citrus flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds which is beneficial for cardiovascular disease. It is also use in aromatherapy to improve blood pressure.

As per Complement Ther Clin Pract, May 2020 randomized controlled trial, Aromatherapy with lemon can improve systolic blood pressure (BP), regulate heart rate, help to change percentage of ST-segment and T wave.

According to J Epidemiol, 2011 cohort study, Citrus fruit may help to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cerebral infarction in men and women.

According to J Epidemiol, 2011 cohort study, Citrus fruit may help to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cerebral infarction in men and women.

6. Digestive Problem :-

Constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, bloating and stomach pain are some digestive problems. In constipation your stools become dry, hard and painful to pass.

Common causes of digestive problem are physical inactivity, traveling, stress, eating low fiber food, dairy product and change in daily routing.

Lemon Action :- Its main component are effective in the treatment of constipation and other digestive problem. Drinking warm lemon water or lemon water with honey  is much beneficial than lemon water alone.

As per Eur J Nutr, April 2022, randomized controlled trial, Consumption of lemon juice can lower the glycemic response and increase gastric secretions as well as gastric emptying rate than water.

According to Aliment Pharmacol Ther, April 2011 systematic review, It is consist of soluble fiber and simple sugars. Soluble fiber is much effective for chronic idiopathic constipation.

7. Anemia Prevention / Incenses Iron Absorption :-

Anemia is a problem of healthy red blood cells (RBC) or hemoglobin. Main cause of anemia is iron deficiency.

Symptoms of anemia are pale or yellowish skin, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, tiredness, headaches, irregular heartbeat and chest pain.

Lemon Action :- It is rich source of vitamin C and citric acid which help to improve absorption of iron. Lemon is a good source of iron and it can enhance absorption of iron from plant food.

According to Br J Nutr, May 1987 study, It help to prevent anemia by improving absorption of iron from plant based foods. Its extract contain some iron.

8. Antioxidant :- 

Antioxidant is use to prevent or delay some of cell damage.

Lemon Action :- Citrus fruit is a rich source vitamin C which play an important role in the prevention or delay some types of cell damage and reduce risk of many chronic health condition..

9. Skin :- 

Some of the most common skin diseases are acne, psoriasis, skin cancer, vitiligo, rosacea, atopic dermatitis and alopecia areata.

Lemon Action :- Its antioxidant vitamin C is help to protect skin cells from damaging free radicals. Its topical application as well as oral consumption both are use to reduce the signs of aging, minimizes scar formation and helps to faster skin heal.

As per Drugs Exp Clin Res, 1999 clinical trial, It is natural antioxidant and topical application of lemon oil extract is use for lessen the effects of aging.

According to Food Chem, March 2016 study, Oral administration of the citrus based juice mixture is help to reduce oxidative stress and prevent skin ageing. The citrus based juice mixture is beneficial for decreased skin thickness, wrinkle formation and increased collagen.

Side Effect Of Lemon :- 

Lemon use in traditional medicine and it contain various essential nutrition which is beneficial for various diseases condition such heart health, cancer, skin, anemia, constipation, respiratory infection, kidney stone and obesity.

Its daily oral consumption is safe. It contain high amount of acid and it can cause a stinging pain when it contact with any cut and open wound.

D-Limonene is widely found in citrus fruit and it may chance to affect skin. It is acidic in nature and some peoples are allergic to lemon.

Its common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance to increase gastric acid production in stomach, heartburn, damage to teeth, mouth ulcer and regurgitation.
  • In topical application :- It may chance to skin burning sensation and skin allergy.

It is safe and healthy to be use during pregnancy and for breastfeeding women, only advice to avoid large amounts use.

Advice to rinse the teeth with normal water after consumption of lemon.

Lemon Water :- 

It is rich source of nutrients, specially it is use to reduce body weight and hydrate body. It also beneficial for constipation, heart health, anemia, kidney stone, skin, respiratory infection and reduce risk of cancer.

Honey and lemon water is much beneficial for respiratory infection. Warm lemon water is use to treat obesity and constipation. It is rich source of vitamin C, folate, vitamin B-1, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-5, potassium and iron. 

How To Make Lemon Water :-

It can be make by using hot or cold water. It is bitter in taste and sugar or honey can be use to minimize the bitter taste. Honey give other extra benefits to improve health.

  • Take a fresh lemon juice and add sufficient amount of water (hot or cold).
  • Stir it properly.
  • Add sugar or honey or mint (optional).
  • Filter it properly to remove its seeds and other extra material.

Raw Lemon vs. Boiled Lemon :- 

Both raw or boiled lemon are beneficial for heart health, constipation, cancer, kidney stone, skin health, respiratory infection, obesity and anemia.

Boiled lemon is less effective than raw lemon. In boiling, it break down its vitamin and mineral in water. So, always try to use raw lemon for better result.

Lemon Nutrition :- 

It contain many essential vitamins as well as minerals which is effective for cancer, heart problem, kidney stone, digestive problem, respiratory problem and skin .

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Fiber.
  • Calories.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.
  • Thiamin.
  • Pantothenic acid.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.
  • Manganese.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Selenium.
  • Folate.
  • Choline.
  • Protein.
  • Fats.

The lemon tree with yellow fruits and evergreen leaves. Its fresh fruit processed to make juices, perfumes, cream, jams, jellies and  molasses.

Its leaves are ovoid or elliptical in shape. Its essential oil is colourless or yellow with strong lemon scent.

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