Honey : 9 Important Health Benefits Of Honey

Honey is a viscous liquid and sweet in taste with slightly acidic pH level 3.9. Its color, taste, proportion of sugar depending on the source of nectar and enzymatic activity, which is responsible for converting nectar to honey.

It is made by using nectar of various flowering plants. It contain 80% of sugar, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, iron and zinc. Its raw form can be eat directly.

Synonyms :- Honey Purified, Madhu, Mel.

Biological Source :- It is sugar secretion and deposited in honey comb by the honey bees, Apis dorsata, Apis mellifera and other species of Apis.

Family :- It belong to Apidae family.

Geographical Source :- It is produced in Australia, Africa, California, India and New Zealand.

Macroscopic Characters :- 

  • Colour :- Pale yellow to yellowish brown.
  • Odour :- Pleasant and characteristic.
  • Taste :- Sweet and faintly acidic.

Chemical Constituents :- It contain 45% fructose, 35% glucose, 2% sucrose and its proportion may be depending on source. It also contain acetic acid, formic acid, traces of succinic acid, maltose, gum, proteins and vitamins.

Health Benefits Of Honey :-

1. Cough And Cold :-

Cough and cold are usually caused by infection. Common symptoms of cold are runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, scratchy throat, feeling unwell, mild headache and mild fever. Viral infections are extremely common in young children.

Honey Action :- It use in many of over to counter (OTC) cough relieving medicine which is effective for upper respiratory infection. Mixture of milk and honey also use to treat acute cough in children.

As per Can Fam Physician, December 2014 study, Its 2.5 mL dose before bedtime (for children above 1 year of age) is effective for cough and might reduce mucus secretion.

As per BMJ Evid Based Med, April 2021 review, It can slow down the microbial growth and significantly improving symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections.

As per Allergol Immunopathol, September 2015 controlled trial, Mixture of honey and milk is beneficial for pediatric cough treatment. This mixture is similar effective as a cough relieving OTC medicine.

According to Medwave, May 2016 review, It use to reduce the severity and frequency of cough.

2. Wound Healing :-

Types of wounds are open wound and close wound. Types of wound healing are primary healing (close a wound by using staples, glues, stitches), secondary healing (wound leave it to heal naturally) and tertiary healing (delay the wound closing process).

Honey Action :- It used by many healthcare professionals for wound dressing which is beneficial for wound healing. It also safe and effective for diabetic wound healing.

According to Cochrane Database Syst Rev, March 2015 review, Its topical application is safe and much effective in wound healing.

As per S Afr Med J, September 2006 controlled trial, No major difference between honey and IntraSite Gel for wound healing. Honey is cost effective than IntraSite Gel. (IntraSite Gel is use for wound healing).

According to Open Life Sci, 2021 review, It is effective for bacterial as well as fungal infection of wound. It is cost effective for wound healing treatment.

According to Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2014 study, It is beneficial for rapid diabetic wound healing.

3. Source Of Nutrition :- 

Nutrition such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, fibre, minerals and water are the source of energy. Poor nutrition increase the chances of depression, anxiety, digestive problems, food allergies, cancer and heart disease.

Honey Action :- Its raw form contain much nutrition than other types of honey. It contain sugar include 35% glucose, 45% fructose and 2% sucrose.

It is good source of magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorous, manganese, acetic acid, formic acid, trance of protein and fiber.

According to Pharmacognosy Res, April- June 2017 review, It is use as a nutritional product which help in the management of various disease conditions.

As per Malays J Med Sci, September 2015 study’s, Its both oral consumption and topical application are beneficial for body systems and enhanced health values.

4. Brain Problems :- 

Brain problems affect your normal function. Its main causes are genetics reason, illness and major injury. Common brain problems are depression, anxiety and convulsant.

Honey Action :- It is beneficial for many neurological disease such as depression, anxiety, convulsant. It help to improve neurological function and prevent from memory disorders.

As per Pharmacognosy Res, April- June 2017 review, It is use in the management of various disease conditions such as neurological disease.

According to J Agric Food Chem, December 2012 study, Its flavonoid extract is beneficial for age related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease and neuroinflammation.

As per October 2015 study, Honey fed rat significantly improve memory function, inhibit neurotoxicity, increased locomotion and decreased anxiety.

5. Antioxidant :- 

It use to prevent or delay in cell damage. Vegetables and fruits are main sources of antioxidants.

Honey Action :- Its flavonoids and phenolic acids antioxidant help to reduce oxidative stress which is beneficial for many of chronic disease condition.

As per Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2018 review, It is safe and potential natural antioxidant medicine. It contain many essential nutrition which help to maintain body health.

6. Prevent Burn :- 

It can increase the chances of infection and may be painful. Type of burn are first degree, second degree and third degree burn. Main causes of burn are fire, electricity burn, chemical burn, hot liquid and touching hot objects.

Honey Action :- It contain some essential nutrition which is beneficial for burn. Its topical application help to prevent burn infection and inflammation.

According to Cochrane Database Syst Rev, March 2015 review, It is more effective for healing partial thickness burns than silver sulfadiazine, polyurethane film, paraffin gauze and soframycin impregnated gauze.

As per Burns, August 1994 clinical trial, It healed burn earlier as compared to the amniotic membrane. It is safe and cost effective treatment for burn.

According to Br J Surg, April 1991 comparative study, Both honey and silver sulfadiazine are significantly relief of burn pain, a lower incidence of hypertrophic scar and postburn contracture.

(silver sulfadiazine cream use to treat wound infections with second and third degree burns).

7. Cardiovascular Disease :- 

Cardiovascular disease affect blood vessels and heart. Mostly, it occur due to narrow or blocked coronary arteries which can increase the chances of heart attack, chest pain, stroke, heart rhythm problem and congestive heart failure.

Most common symptoms of coronary artery diseases are chest pain, chest discomfort, pain in neck, weakness and shortness of breath.

Honey Action :- It is use from ancient to control blood pressure, restore heartbeats, reduce cell apoptosis and reduce oxidative stress in body.

As per Inj J Environ Res Public Health, May 2020 clinical trial, Its oral consumption is beneficial for high blood pressure, heart muscle, lipid metabolism, restore heartbeats, modulate oxidation, exert antiaging properties and attenuate cell apoptosis.

According to Clin Exp Hypertens, July 2020 Study, Its consumption is help to decrease prevalence of prehypertension in women.

8. Anti Microbial And Anti Inflammatory Action :- 

Bacteria can affect to bowel, skin, throat or lungs. Main causes of bacterial infection are drinking contaminated water, eating contaminated food, skin damage, dirty contact to eye, skin, nose, and mouth.

Types of inflammation are short term inflammation called as acute inflammation and long term inflammation called as chronic inflammation. Symptoms of inflammation are swelling, redness, heat, redness and loss of function.

Honey Action :- It is acidic in pH 3.9 and produce hydrogen peroxide during the glucose oxidation, catalyzed by bee enzymes which help to reduce bacterial infection.

According to J Agric Food Chem, December 2012 study, Honey flavonoid extract is help to prevent neuroinflammation which is beneficial for age related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

According to Pharmacognosy Res, April-June 2017 review, Its topical use is effective for skin infection and inflammation.

According to Asian Per J Trop Biomed, April 2011 review, Its low pH and high sugar is enough to prevent microbial growth.

As per Saudi J Biol Sci, April 2021 review, It is cost effective and alternative choice to treat bacterial infection.

9. Gastrointestinal Problems :- 

Gastrointestinal disease (GI) affect from the mouth to anus. Its main cause factors are lack of physicals activity, low fiber diet, stress, certain medicine, traveling, large consumption of dairy product and pregnancy period.

Main symptoms of GI problem are weight loss, vomiting, nausea, acid reflux, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and diarrhea.

Honey Action :- It is effective treatment for acid reflux, heartburn, bacterial or non bacterial diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance and various gastrointestinal problems.

As per, 2017 clinical trail, First group given honey with added ORS, second group given honey with separate ORS and last with no honey only ORS given to control group during diarrhea. Recovery period 4.68 days for first group, 3.725 for second group and 5.60 for control group. Recovery time of second group (honey with separate ORS) less than remaining two groups. 

As per Br Med J (Clin Res Ed), study, It is effective for bacterial or non bacterial diarrhea and use it as oral rehydration solution contain electrolyte.

Side Effect Of Honey :-

It contain many essential nutrition which is beneficial for wounds, brain, cough, cold,  burn, heart, inflammation and gastrointestinal problems.

It compose of 80 to 82% of sugar like fructose, glucose and sucrose. It also may contain trace amounts of wax, yeast and pollen. Some peoples may allergic to honey.

Normally, It is safe use as a natural sweetener. Clostridium botulinum name bacteria is present in honey which can release poison and affect digestive track of infants.

Some common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance to nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
  • In topical application on skin :- It may chance to stinging sensation.

Advice to avoid its use up to 1 year. It is safe for people over 12 months of age.

For topical application, allergic people always avoid or confirm with small part of skin, if comfortable then apply on large part of skin.

Different Types Of Honey :- 

Row honey :- It is directly collect from hive and may also contain beeswax, pollen and parts of dead bees. It can be eat directly.

Pure honey :- It is exposed to high heat while processing called pasteurized with no adding other ingredient.

Regular honey :- It is exposed to high heat with adding sugar on it.

Wildflower Honey :- It is selected mixture of wild blossoms and flowers. It is depending on the region and season.

Acacia Honey :- It is obtained from black locust trees. Fructose is present in heavy quantity. It is lighter and transparent color.

Manuka Honey :- Bees that pollinate the native manuka bush. It is powerful antibacterial effect and have nutty flavor.

Buckwheat Honey :- It is collected from white blossoms of the buckwheat grain and it is rich amber in color.

Eucalyptus Honey :- It is collected from the flowering eucalyptus tree with menthol like flavor. It is using in many medicines like cough, cold and upper respiratory infection condition.

Alfalfa Honey :- Use nectar from bright purple alfalfa blossoms. Alfalfa is light and mildly sweet.

Orange blossom honey :- It is use fresh blossom of Florida’s orange and it is golden in color.

Blueberry honey :- It is collected from white flower of the blueberry bush and it is light amber in color.

Storage Of Honey :- 

It should store in well close airtight container and it can be use for long period with proper storage.

Raw Honey After Crystallization :- 

Its raw form may be crystallize after some time during storage. Its crystallization rate depending on its type which is safe to eat. After the crystallization, it need some process to convert again in liquid phase.

Crystallization is a sign of pure honey. Crystallization is a natural process of glucose in honey. The size and texture of the crystals are depend on its type. Its raw form crystallizes faster than other form.

The process of crystal honey to convert in liquid :-

  • Take container with water.
  • Boil the water and remove it from heat.
  • Place the crystal honey container in hot water.
  • Remove the crystal honey container when it converted into liquid.
  • Repeat the process if necessary.

Is Honey Safe For Infants ? :- 

It contain Clostridium botulinum bacteria and infants are not able to digest it properly. So, always avoid it up to 1 year of age.

Why Honey Is More Sweeter Than Table Sugar :- 

Fructose is more sweeter than glucose and fructose present in large quantity in honey than table sugar. Due to large amount of fructose present, it make more sweeter than table sugar.

It contain energy, fructose, glucose, protein, water, potassium, calcium etc.

Balance Diet Include :- Carbohydrate, Proteins, Nitrogenous Food, Fats, Vitamins, Mineral Salt and Water. 

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