Green Tea : 8 Important Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea is a evergreen small tree and it rich sources of catechins. It is most favorite and popular caffeine rich drink. Its leaves are use to prepare traditional medicine and cosmetic products.

Green tea extract is available in capsule, liquid and powder forms.

Synonym :- Herb tea, Green tea.

Biological Source :- It contains prepared leaves and leaf buds of plant Camellia sinensis.

Family :- It is belong to Theaceae family.

Geographical Source :- It is found in East Asia countries. Mainly found in China and Japan.

Macroscopic Character (Leaves) :- 

  • Colour :- Yellowish to green.
  • Taste :- Grassy.
  • Size :- 5 to 15 cm long and 2 to 5 cm broad.

Chemical constituent :- It is rich in catechins.

Health Benefits Of Green Tea :-       

1. Weight loss :- 

Obesity is a complex disease and body mass index is use to diagnose obesity. Main causes of obesity are unhealthy diet, high alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, stress, pregnancy period and smoking.

Green Tea Action :- It help to break down of fat and reduce body weight. Green tea with ginger is most effective in weight loss treatment.

According to Phytochemistry, January 2009 review, Green tea or its extracts is use to reduce body weight.

According to Nutrition, January 2018 review, High dose and longer duration treatment of green tea extract is beneficial to treat obesity.

As per Clin Nutr, June 2016 randomized controlled trial, High dose of green tea extract is useful in weight loss treatment. It reduce waist circumference and improve body mass index.

According to Int J Environ Res Public Health, March 2022 study, It help to reduce abnormal or excessive fat.

As per Nutr Hosp, June 2017 review, Its daily consumption promote weight loss.

2. High Blood Sugar :- 

It also called as high blood glucose and affects to all age people. Its main symptoms are frequent urination, fatigue, blurry vision, weight loss, increase hunger and thirst. Its main risk factors are environment and family history.

Green Tea Action :- Its polyphenolic component are help to manage and prevent type 2 diabetes by improving insulin resistance.

According to Phytochemistry, January 2009 review, Green tea or its extracts both are beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

As per Am J Clin Nutr, July 2021 study, Its daily consumption is effective for type 2 diabetes.

According to Nutr Metab (Lond), July 2020 systematic review, It can reduce fasting glucose level.

As per Am J Clin Nutr, August 2013 meta analysis, It lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by improving fasting glucose level.

3. Cardiovascular diseases :- 

Cardiovascular diseases affect heart and blood vessels. Its main risk factors are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, lack of physical activity, obesity, high alcohol consumption and sodium rich diet.

Green Tea Action :- Regular drinking of green tea help to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular function. Its polyphenolic components are beneficial for obese people to reduce risk of heart disease.

According to Front Nutr, January 2022 review, It exert a protective effects against cardiovascular diseases.

According to Curr Med Chem, September 2009 review, Its primarily components catechins is beneficial for vascular health.

According to Curr Pharm Des, 2017 review, It is effective against cardiovascular diseases.

As per Medicine (Baltimore), February 2020 meta analysis, It can reduce systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. Need longer duration trials for more confirmation.

4. Brain function :- 

Main symptoms of a brain injury are headache, memory loss, numbness, nausea, vomiting, speech difficulty, paralysis, bleeding from ear, confusion, anxiety, insomnia, depression, dizziness, seizures and loss of consciousness.

Green Tea Action :- Green tea help to reduce risk of neurodegenerative diseases. It improve mental alertness, anxiety related disorders and cognitive function.

As per phytomedicine, July 2017 review, Drinking green tea is beneficial for mood, cognition and brain function.

According to Curr Neuropharmacol, March 2021 review, It has a potent neuroprotective effect.

As per J Nutr Health Aging, 2018 study, Its extract enhance working memory capacity and cognitive performance.

As per Nutrients, May 2019 study, It improve dementia and mild cognitive impairment symptoms.

As per Psychopharmacology (Berl), October 2014 study, It help to amend multiple mental abilities.

According to Int J Mol Sci, august 2019 review, It is effective for neurodegenerative diseases.

5. Cancer :- 

Cancer cells grow and multiply to form new cells. Tobacco use, unhealthy diet, air pollution, radiation, exposure to UV light, high alcohol consumption and infection by certain viruses are some risk factors may increase chance of cancer.

Green Tea Action :- Its polyphenols are help to reduce or slow down cancer cell growth. It is nutraceutical agents and beneficial for cancer.

According to Nutr Rev, March 1999 review, Its polyphenolic antioxidants are prevent development of cancer.

According to Medicine (Baltimore), April 2019 review, Its extract is helpful for cancer patients.

According to Anticancer Agents Med Chem, September 2006 review, Its polyphenols components are use to regulate cancer cell growth.

As per Cochrane Database Syst Rev, March 2020 meta analysis, It reduce the growth of cancer cell.

6. Maintain Cholesterol :- 

High cholesterol in blood may increase chance of heart and other diseases. Poor diet, family history, stress, obesity, smoking, age, lack of exercise and alcohol consumption are some risk factors of high cholesterol.

Green Tea Action :- Green tea or its extract both are use to maintain cholesterol level. It specially work for obese peoples to reduce cholesterol.

As per Am J Clin Nutr, December 2016 controlled clinical trial, Its extract help to reduce circulating total cholesterol.

As per Nutr J, May 2020 study, It effectively reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in obese peoples.

According to Am J Clin Nutr, August 2011 meta analysis, Its extracts or beverages both are use to reduce total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations.

7. Skin :- 

Dehydrated skin look like rough, scaly, flaky and dull. It is feels like dry, rough, sensitive and tight.

Green Tea Action :- Green tea containing preparations such as creams, gels, ointments and lotions are use to treat skin problems. Topical application of green tea preparations are beneficial for skin wound, maintain skin hydration and protect from ultraviolet light.

According to Nutrients, February 2019 review, It is use in many antiaging products to protect from sunlight.

According to Nutrients, August 2022 review, Oral green tea preparations are use as adjuvant or alternative to sunscreen and relieve skin disorders.

As per Dermatol Surg, July 2005 clinical trial, Its topical preparation and oral consumption both are beneficial for skin.

According to Dermatol Ther, May-June 2013 review, Its extracts containing cosmetic products are help to improves skin hydration.

8. Arthritis and Inflammation :- 

Arthritis means joint inflammation. Its main symptoms are swelling, stiffness, pain, redness and decrease motion in joints. Family history, age, obesity and joint injury are main risk factors of arthritis.

Green Tea Action :- Green tea or its extract both are effective treatment for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. It is more beneficial along with proper exercise.

As per J Phys Ther Sci, October 2016 study, Green tea with proper exercise is a nondrug treatment for rheumatoid arthritis disorders.

According to Life Sci, June 2010 review, Extracts of green tea is beneficial for inflammatory arthritis.

As per Clin Nutr, February 2018 randomized controlled trial, Its extract is use as adjunctive treatment for osteoarthritis.

Side Effects Of Green Tea :- 

It is safe for most people. It is rich source of caffeine and its caffeine may increases the amount of acid in your stomach. Some peoples are allergic to green tea.

It is use to treat heart problem, cancer, high cholesterol, arthritis, inflammation, diabetes, obesity, skin and brain problems.

Its some common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance to stomach upset, heartburn, nausea, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, anxiety, insomnia, headache and irritability. Rare chance to damage liver.
  • In topical application (green tea containing preparation) :- It may chance to skin irritation or skin rash.

It is rich source of caffeine, advise to drink less caffeine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy, its high dose may increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects.

During breastfeeding, its high dose may affect to infant.

Nutrition Of Green Tea :- 

It is good source of health beneficial antioxidants.

It contain :-

  • Calories.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.

Best Time To Drink Green Tea :- 

It is good source of caffeine and it use as central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. Caffeine help to increases activity in your brain and nervous system.

It use to increasing your alertness. It is much beneficial in morning to keep you alert and awake. Always avoid its use close to bedtime.

    How To Make Green Tea :- 

    It comes from leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. It is beneficial for high blood sugar, various brain function, cancer, high cholesterol, skin, arthritis, inflammation, obesity and to regulate blood pressure.

    It is good source of caffeine and help to keep you awake. Lemon and ginger is optional to add for enhance its taste or health benefits.

    Process to make :- 

    • Take saucepan and add cup of water.
    • Heat with medium flam.
    • Add raw sugar and allow it to come gentle simmer.
    • Remove from heat and add green tea leaves.
    • Stir properly and steep the tea for 2 minutes.
    • Strain the leaves and collect tea.

    Green Tea vs Black Tea :- 

    Both green and black tea are made from same camellia sinensis plant and have similar health benefits. Black tea is exposed to air for oxidation process and green tea processed to prevent oxidation.

    Green tea contain more powerful antioxidants and lighter in colour than black tea.

    Storage Of Green Tea :- 

    Always store in airtight container in a dark place at room temperature.

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