Ginger : 11 Important Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is one of the most commonly use dietary spices and condiments. It is generally considered to be safe for therapeutic use and it has been used form thousands of years for the treatment of numerous health problems.

It can be used as fresh, dried, powder, oil or juice. Gingerol is the main constituent of fresh ginger.

Synonyms :- Zingiber, Zingiberis.

Biological Source :- It consists of rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe.

Family :- It belong to Zingiberaceae family.

Geographical Source :- It is mostly cultivated in India as well as other country such as Caribbean islands, Africa, Australia, Mauritius, Jamaica and Taiwan.

History :- Its name comes from the center English’s gingivere. It is use as a spice from 3000 year. Sanskrit word srngaveram meaning “horn root”, means it look like horn root (srngaveram).

Over 5000 years ago, Indians and Chinese are believed that the it is tonic root beneficial for body ailments. It is used as a flavoring agent. In Greek, it was called ziggiberis, and in Latin, zinziberi.

Cultivation and Collection :- It need warm humid climate with mild to heavy rainfall. 1000 to 1500 M altitude is suitable for its cultivation. Sandy or clay or red loamy soils are preferable and mostly it cultivated in June month.

It is ready for harvesting after six months when its leaves become yellow. Harvesting is done by digging the rhizomes and wash it.

Macroscopic characters (rhizomes ) :- 

  • Colour :- Light brownish yellow.
  • Odour :- Agreeable and aromatic.
  • Taste :- Agreeable and pungent.
  • Size :- Rhizomes are normally 5 to 15 * 1.5 to 6cm.
  • Shape:- Flat, ovate and oblique branches on it.

The Leaves are 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 inches) long.

Chemical constituent :- It contain volatile oil (1 – 4%), starch (40 -60%), fat (10%), fibre (5%), inorganic material (6%), residual moisture acrid resinous matter (5 -8%).

Health Benefits Of Ginger :- 

1. Nausea :- 

Nausea is feeling like vomit and sick to your stomach. Pregnant women also experience nausea. Nausea is a stomach discomfort and the sensation to vomit.

Some of common symptoms of nausea are weakness, sweating and urge to vomit. Common causes of nausea are motion sickness, early stages of pregnancy, severe pain, emotional stress, indigestion, some smells and odor.

Ginger Action :- Its active component is known as gingerols and shogaols are responsible for prevent nausea. Several studies have reported that, it is act as antiemetic.

It is use to reduce oxidative stress in body. It can help to reduced nausea during surgery, pregnancy, chemotherapy and motion sickness.

According to Integr Med Insights, March 2016 review, It is safe, effective and inexpensive treatment for nausea as well as vomiting. Its active compound such as gingerols and shogaols are effective for stomach flu. It is use to prevent nausea during pregnancy and chemotherapy.

According to Br J Anaesth, March 2000 systematic review, It is beneficial for nausea treatment and it is equally effective as metoclopramide in nausea. (Metoclopramide use to treat nausea and vomiting).

Warning :- Pregnant women who are close to labor or had miscarriages, Always avoid its use for nausea treatment.

2. Anti Inflammation :- 

Inflammation is cause by external injuries, chemical effect, radiation effects, various germ attack like viruses, bacteria and fungi. Main symptoms of inflammation are swelling, pain, redness and loss of function.

Ginger Action :- It consists of gingerols, paradols, sesquiterpenes, shogaols, zingerone and this all component are powerfully help to reduce inflammation. It also beneficial for osteoarthritis inflammation.

As per Int J Prev Med, April 2013 review, Its active component (gingerol and shogaol) is effectively reduced inflammation and pain after intense physical activity.

As per J Nutr Gerontol geriatr, July-September 2016 randomized controlled clinical trial, Its 500 mg powder capsule (daily for 3 months) is beneficial for knee osteoarthritis.

It help to relief inflammation, swelling and pain. It might be have ability to inhibit prostaglandin, leukotriene biosynthesis and it also inhibit arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase biosynthesis.

3. Relieving Pain :- 

Transmit the damage tissue information along with the spinal cord and brain. Dysmenorrhea is a painful menstrual periods and its symptoms are pain in abdomen, pain in hips, pain in lower back, nausea and headache.

Ginger Action :- Its active component is known as gingerol which is help to reduce pain. It can be use in migraine pain as well as dysmenorrhea (Painful menstruation). It also effective for relieve osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis pain.

As per to Cephalalgia, January 2019 randomized controlled trial, Combination of 400 mg ginger extract and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (100 mg of ketoprofen) may contribute to the treatment of migraine attack. It is safe and effective for pain.

According to Phytother Res, November 2020 review, It can reduce migraine pain, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), osteoarthritis pain, chronic low back pain and help to delayed onset muscle soreness. Both oral and topical use may beneficial for pain.

As per BMC Complement Altern Med, July 2012 randomized controlled trial, Its 500 gm of powder capsule is use in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. Its capsule is effective for relieving intensity and duration of pain.

Mostly, it give in first three days during mensuration. Many painkiller drug like 250 mg of mefenamic acid or 400 mg ibuprofen capsules can be given along with ginger for best result in mensuration pain.

4. Cardiovascular Health :- 

Cardiovascular disease affect the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease mainly caused by blockage and blockage can prevent blood flow.

Main causes of cardiovascular disease are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, high consumption of alcohol and tobacco use.

Ginger Action :- Its essential component is beneficial for heart health. It help to prevent clots formation in blood, maintain cholesterol level and blood circulation. It effectively reduce heartburn.

As per Nutrition, April 2017 study, Its daily consumption can reduce the risk of chronic disease condition like hypertension and congenital heart defects. 

According to Curr Mol Pharmacol, 2021 review, Its component have cardioprotective effect. It act as cardiotonic, anti- hypertensive, anti-hyperlipidemia and anti-platelet which is beneficial for heart health.

5 . Weight Loss :-

Burning more calories from your body help to reduce weight. Obesity risk factors are age, sex, eating, physical activity habits, medical conditions, not enough sleep, medicines, stress, family history and genes.

Ginger Action :- It can significantly reduced body weight. Its extract as well as ginger water both are have same effect on weight loss.

According to Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis, It effectively reduce body weight, waist-to-hip ratio, fasting glucose, hip ratio without affecting insulin, BMI, triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. It is safe use in weight loss treatment.

As per Metabolism, October 2012, pilot study, It enhance thermogenesis and reduced feeling of hunger. Its daily consumption play potential role in weight management.

6. Cancer :- 

Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body and it multiply uncontrollably. Main risk factors of cancer disease are air pollution, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, daily alcohol and tabaco consumption.

Ginger action :- Its active component attributed anti cancer properties. It is beneficial for protect and suppress cancer growth. More human research’s need to confirm.

As per Gastroenterol Res Pract, 2015 review, Its main polyphenols component may help in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal cancers. Gastrointestinal cancer include pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer etc.

7. Diabetes :- 

Three main types of diabetes are type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabase and gestational diabetes. In diabetes, your body does not use or make enough insulin. Family history and environment are the major risk factors of diabetes.

Common symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, weight loss, feeling thirsty, blurry vision, irritable feeling, weakness and various type of infection.

Ginger Action:- It is more effective in 2 diabetes. It help to improve insulin sensitivity, lower triglycerides and lower body cholesterol.

As per Iran J Pharm Res, winter 2015 study, Its 2 gm powder per day (for 12 weeks) help to reduce fasting blood sugar in type 2 diabetic patients.

According to Journal, March 2015, systematic review and meta-analysis, Ginger supplement is help to decrease fasting blood glucose level and glycated hemoglobin without decreasing fasting blood insulin. It is safe and effective for managing type 2 diabetic.

As per Rev Lat Am Enfermagem, 2020 randomized clinical trial, Its 1.2 gm daily consumption (for 90 days) can decrease the values of fasting blood sugar (FBS), total cholesterol (TC) and low density cholesterol (LDL) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patient.

8. Respiratory System :- 

It includes your airways, lungs and blood vessels. Respiratory system are responsible to provide oxygen and expel carbon dioxide from body. Respiratory system include mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs.

Ginger Action :- It may help to protect the respiratory system. It is use to treat cold or the flu and sore throat. Ginger and honey can  fight against infections cause by sore throats.

As per J Ethnopharmacol, January 2013 study, Fresh ginger can inhibit human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) by blocking viral attachment and internalization.

According to Food, June 2019 review, Its main component (gingerol and shogaol) are help in rapid relaxation of airway smooth muscle and reduce inflammation. It has protective effect against respiratory disorders.

9. Indigestion And Relief Gas :- 

Indigestion is a discomfort in your upper abdomen which is also called as stomach upset. Indigestion is a feeling like uncomfortable full or heavy and bloating due to eating. Mostly indigestion occur in the age of 55 and above.

Ginger Action :- It help to speed up emptying of stomach and relief gas. Its main component is beneficial for indigestion and it act as carminative.

As per Food Sci Nutr, January 2019 clinical trial, It help to reduces intestinal cramping and prevents flatulence, dyspepsia, decrease bloating and decreases pressure on lower esophageal sphincter. It can increase gastrointestinal motility and relived constipation. It is a safe and cost‐effective gastroprotective agent.

10. Infection :- 

Infection is a growth of bacteria or viruses or yeast or fungi or other microorganisms.

Ginger Action :- It can inhibit the growth of bacterial infection. Its active component known as gingerol is effective for infections. It may help in sore throats by protecting against bacteria, pathogens and toxin.

As per Food, January 2019 review, It is act as antimicrobial agent by inhibit the growth of different bacteria, fungi and viruses.

11. Blood Thinner :-

Ginger Action :- It can inhibit the platelet thromboxane. It can prevent the clot formation in blood vessel and body.

Dosage Of Ginger :-

It contain many essential nutrition which is beneficial for number of disease condition. According to Food and Drug administration (FDA), It is safe to take up to 4 g per day.

Mostly its extract (juiced) and powder are use for consume. Ginger tea and water is easy, popular as well as healthful way to consume.

Ginger In Pregnancy; Is Ginger Safe In Pregnancy ? :- 

It contain many essential vitamins and minerals which is effective for nausea, heart problems, cancer, diabetes, indigestion, respiratory problems, pain and inflammation.

Usually, it is use to treat nausea during pregnancy. As per several study, Its consumption is totally safe in pregnancy and it not appear any risk of miscarriage. Only advice to decrease its quantity during pregnancy.

It is safe use in pregnancy period with no chance of low birth weight, congenital disorder, perinatal death and preterm birth. Pregnant women who are close to labor or had miscarriages then only avoid its consumption for nausea treatment.

Research indicates that consuming up to 1gm per day appears to be safe to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Ginger Water; How To Make Ginger Water ? :-

Fresh root of ginger is always better than dried root for making its water.


  1. Take a fresh ginger, wash and peel out.
  2. Grate 1 to 2 teaspoons.
  3. Add grated ginger in 4-5 cup boil water.
  4. Stir it and remove it from stove.
  5. Allow it to steep for 10 min.
  6. Strain liquid and allow to cool.

Ginger Tea : How To Make Ginger Tea :- 

  • Take a fresh grate or powder of ginger and mix with hot tea water with continues stir for 10-20 min.
  • Strain it properly with the help of strainer.
  • Add honey or another sweetener to taste.
  • Milk can be use except of water.

Suggestion To Avoid Ginger 

  1. Always consult a doctor after surgery because of its blood thinner property.
  2. Always avoid or inform to doctor after gallstone disease.
  3. Allergic people.
  4. Pregnant and breast feeding women should consult a doctor.

Side Effects Of Ginger :- 

Its use is safe and beneficial for to treat cancer, nausea, heart problems, respiratory problems, indigestion, diabetes and effective in weight loss treatment.

Some people may experience some side effect are :-

Ginger water :-  Gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea and heartburn.

Pure ginger extract :- Burning sensation in mouth, nose and irritate in mucous membrane.

Ginger Tea :- Abdominal discomfort, heartburn and diarrhea.

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