Eucalyptus Oil : 6 Important Health Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree and it also known as silver dollar tree. Many hybrids variety of eucalyptus plant are found with slightly different in a scent.

Eucalyptus oil is obtained from extraction of eucalyptus leaves. It is use to prepare medicines, mouthwash, perfume, cosmetics products and household cleaners.

Synonyms :- Eucalyptus, Lemon gum tree, Dinkum oil.

Biological Source :- It is volatile oil obtained by distillation the fresh leaves of Eucalyptus globulus and other species of Eucalyptus.

Family :- It is belong to Myrtaceae family.

Geographical Source :- Eucalyptus trees are grow in wild and warm climate is suitable for its cultivation. It is cultivate in India, United States, Portugal and Spain.

Collection :- About 800 to1200 kg leaves are collected per hectare. 15 years or above age trees are preferred for collection of leaves.

Description :- 

  • Colour :- It is pale yellow or colorless liquids.
  • Taste :- Pungent.
  • Odour :- Camphoraceous and aromatic.

Chemical Constituent :- It contain eucalyptol (80%) which also known as cineole, camphene, pinene and traces of phellandrene, geranyl acetate, citronellal.

Health Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil :- 

1. Cough And Cold :- 

It is infection of nose, sinuses and throat. Mostly its symptoms are caused by virus such as rhinoviruses. Its main risk factors are weak immunity, smoking and age.

Common symptoms of cold are runny nose, fever, cough, irritability, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and sneezing.

Eucalyptus Oil Action :- Its main component cineole is beneficial for cough and cold. It is using in many cough relieving medicines to reduce mucus production and open airway of lung. 

It is present in various ointments, balms to treat cold sores and congestion. Add few drop of eucalyptus oil in hot water during steam inhalation which help to relieve stuffy nose and open airway of lung.

Its inhalation and rubbing both are effective for cough and it is best home remedy for bronchitis as well as asthma. It is use as a complementary treatment for respiratory diseases.

According to J Integr Complement Med, March 2022 meta analysis, Eucalyptus containing products are more beneficial for overall cough symptoms.

As per Cough, November 2013 controlled double blind trial, Its main component cineole is help to improve bronchitis sum score and effective in the treatment of acute bronchitis.

According to Pharmaceuticals (Basel), December 2021 review, It is use to treat symptoms of airborne infectious diseases such as common cold, bronchial disease, asthma and effective in respiratory tract infections.

2. Antimicrobial Effect :-

Antimicrobial medicines are use to prevent and treat infections. It is use to destroying or inhibiting the growth of any microorganisms.

Eucalyptus Oil Action :- Its main component cineole is effective against viruses, fungi, gram positive and gram negative bacteria. It also using in agricultural industry.

Its vapor inhalation is beneficial for airways infection (bronchitis).

As per Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, September 2012 study, It can be use to treat infection causes by gram positive bacteria (S. aureus) and gram negative bacteria (E. coli).

According to Altern Med Rev, April 2010 review, Its vapor inhalation is effective for purulent and non purulent respiratory infections.

According to J Foot Ankle Res, September 2015 study, Its topical application is more beneficial for onychomycosis (Onychomycosis is a fungal infection which cause destruction of the nail).

According to Molecules, May 2016 study, In agricultural industry, eucalyptus oil is a potential green biopesticide which can inhibit the effects of fungi.

3. Relieve Pain :- 

Pain is an uncomfortable sensation and its signal travel through nerve fibers to the brain. Main types of pain are acute pain, chronic pain, radicular pain, nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain.

Eucalyptus Oil Action :- Its topical application is help to reduce rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and back pain. It is use to make pain relieving sprays, creams and ointments.

Its main component α-pinene and 1,8-cineole can reduce pain as well as inflammation. Eucalyptus oil is using in aromatherapy and joint massage to relief pain.

As per Evid based Complement Alternat Med, June 2013 randomized clinical trial, Inhalation of eucalyptus oil is beneficial for relief pain after total knee replacement (TKR) surgery.

As per Contemp Clin Trials Commun, October 2022 randomized clinical trial, 5 min inhalation of eucalyptus oil (3 times a day) for one month is help to reduce rheumatoid arthritis pain.

4. Effective for Operational Anxiety :- 

Anxiety is a emotional disorder of fear. Main causes of anxiety are stress, complicated situations, certain medication, high alcohol consumption and environment.

Common symptoms of anxiety are restlessness, fatigue, sweating, trembling, difficulty in concentration, hyperventilation, pain and irritability.

Eucalyptus Oil Action :- Its main component cineole is help to produce sense of calm, reduce stress and keep mentally balance. Eucalyptus oil containing perfumes are using for anxiety during operation.  

As per Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, June 2014 randomized clinical trial, Its inhalation can be use as complementary treatment for depression, anxiety and stress related disorders.

5. Wound healing :- 

Three main types of wound healing are primary wound healing (close a wound by using glues, staples or stitches), secondary wound healing (a wound that cannot be stitched) and tertiary wound healing (wound need to delay to closing).

Eucalyptus Oil Action :- Cineole is a main component of eucalyptus oil and it is effective against wound infection as well as inflammation. Always use dilute form of eucalyptus oil for wound healing.

Eucalyptus oil containing ointments are use to prevent infection of wound, burns, scrapes and cuts.

6. For Fresh Breath :-

Bad breath is also called as halitosis. Main causes of bad breath are smoking, poor dental hygiene, certain medication, dry mouth, mouth infection and G.I.T problem.

Eucalyptus Oil Action :- Eucalyptus oil containing mouthwashes and toothpastes are help to inhibit the bacterial growth of mouth and effective for bad breath.

It is beneficial for gingivitis, cavities, teeth pain, gum inflammation and oral health.

Side Effects And Precaution Of Eucalyptus Oil :-

It is aromatic herb and effective in the treatment of cold, cough, arthritic pain, wound infection, bad breath, anxiety etc. Some people are allergic to eucalyptus oil.

It is not safe for direct internal use, it only use aromatically or topically. It is use as flavoring agent in cooking. It is unsafe to use pure eucalyptus oil.

Its some common side effects are :-

  • In cooking for flavor :- It may cause stomach upset, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.
  • In topical application on skin :- It may chance of skin irritation and burning sensation.
  • In Inhalation :- It can produce seizures or affect nervous system.

For topical application, advice to dilute eucalyptus oil with other oil such as coconut oil or olive oil. Its pure form is unsafe for topical use. Always keep away from eyes.

Always consult your doctor for use of eucalyptus oil during pregnancy, breast feeding and children age.

Dosing And Storage Of Eucalyptus Oil :- 

Its main component cineole is beneficial in the treatment of cough, cold, wound infection, arthritic pain, anxiety and improve bad breath. It is using in Chinese medicines and Indian Ayurvedic medicines systems. 

There is not enough information about dose of eucalyptus oil.

Always remainder :-

  • Its pure form is unsafe for topical application. Always dilute it with other oil such as olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Its dilute form can be use during cooking for flavoring to food at very low levels (0.002%). Its pure form by orally can be fatal for all.

It should be store in dry, clean and airtight container. Always keep away from humid weather and light.

Eucalyptus Oil And Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Benefit :- 

1. Insect Repellant :- 

Mosquitoes and other insects carry diseases that can be dangerous to health.

Action :- Eucalyptus oil and lemon eucalyptus oil both are excellent insect repellent. It can use topically or by spray around the targeted area. Lemon eucalyptus oil is much beneficial for insect repellant.

It is effective against mosquitoes, bugs and cockroaches. It should be dilute with other oil or water before use on skin.

As per Iran J Public Health, August 2021 study, Mixture of eucalyptus globulus and syzygium aromaticum is potential mosquito repellent. Eucalyptus oil is eco friendly and relative cost effective insect repellent.

As per J Am Mosg Control Assoc, March 2014 comparative study, Lemon eucalyptus oil provide up to 95% protection against mosquitoes.

Method Of Preparation Of Eucalyptus Oil :-

Eucalyptus globulus is an essential oil producing plant which is widely used in the pharmaceutical industries. Its bioactive compounds are effective for wound infection, anxiety, arthritic pain, anxiety, cold, cough and mouth problems.

Eucalyptus is a fast growing evergreen tree and its oil is use to make perfume, cosmetics products, mouthwash and household cleaners.

It is using in Chinese medicines and Ayurvedic medicines systems. Its leaves should be dried, crushed and distilled to get oil. Main compound of eucalyptus oil is cineole.

Distillation method can affect its yield and chemical content of the essential oil. Fresh and dried leaves should be take for better yield.

Process of distillation :-

  • Collect the eucalyptus leaves from15 years old and above tree.
  • After collection, leaves needs to dried in shade for about 3 to 4 days and subjected for steam distillation.
  • Take a copper made distillation unit.
  • Add eucalyptus leaves and sufficient amount of water in distillation unit.
  • Eucalyptus oil collect in the receiver.

Extracted oil is colorless. Eucalyptus oil can be use during bath and by steam. Always dilute eucalyptus oil for topical application.

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