Coriander : 8 Important Health Benefits Of Coriander

Seeds are called coriander and leaves called as cilantro of plant Coriandrum sativum. Both seeds and leaves are use in medical industry and cooking.

All the parts of coriander plant are use as spice and herb. It is commonly use for flavor and mask unpleasant taste. Cilantro is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and coriander seeds are good source of dietary fiber.

Synonym :- Coriander Fruits.

Biological Source :- It consist of fully ripe fruits of plant knowns as Coriandrum Sativum Linn.

Family :- It is belong to Umbelliferae family.

Geographical Source :- It cultivate in European countries and also in India, Egypt, Morocco etc.

Cultivation and Collection :- Light to heavy black soil is suitable for its cultivation. It is sown by drilling method. Crop is ready for harvesting after 50 to100 days of growth. 15 to 20 kg of fruits per hectare are required for its cultivation.

Macroscopic Characters :- 

  • Colour :- Yellowish to brown (seeds).
  • Taste :- Characteristic and spicy.
  • Size :- Fruits are 2 to 4 mm in diameter and 4 to 30 mm in length.
  • Odour :- Aromatic.
  • Shape :- Sub-globular fruit.

Chemical Constituent :- It contain 20% proteins, 13% fixed oil and 0.3 to 1% volatile oil.

Out of total volatile oil, it contain 90% of D-linalool and acetate. It also contain small amount of L-borneol, geraniol and pinene. Heavy quantity of vitamin A is present in its leaves.

Health Benefits Of Coriander :- 

1. For Brain :- 

Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease beginning with mild memory loss. Its main causes are decreasing thinking skills and decreasing memory.

Main symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are decreasing intellectual activity, change behavior, affect self awareness, memory loss and less able to recognize.

Coriander Action :- It enhance the activity of cerebral cortex, protect nerve cell damage, reduce brain inflammation and help to improve memory.

It is beneficial for anxiety symptoms, psychological symptoms and manage Alzheimer’s disease.

As per Biology (Basel), December 2021 study, It can enhance theta band activity of the cerebral cortex and effective for human psychological state.

According to Avicenna J Phytomed, September-October 2021 review, Its main component linalool is beneficial for convulsant, anxiety, sedative and Alzheimer’s activities. It can improve learning as well as memory improving ability.

According to J Sci Food Agric, January 2011 animal study, It is use to improve memory which help to manage Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Heart :- 

Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease and its main risk factor is bad cholesterol. Diuretics are use to reduce body extra fluid which help to maintain blood pressure.

Arrhythmia is also known as irregular heartbeat and its main symptoms are slow heartbeat, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain and cheat discomfort.

Coriander Action :- Its main component linalool contribution to treat an irregular heart rhythm, high blood pressure and help to maintain cholesterol level.

Its extract is use to reduce excessive sodium and water from body which is help to maintain blood pressure. More human research need to confirm.

According to Molecules, January 2022 review, It is functional nutraceutical and it beneficial for arrhythmia, hypertension and heart function.

As per J Ethnopharmacol, February 2009 study, Coriander extract act as diuretic, it flushing out excess sodium and water which help to maintain blood pressure.

As per J Environ Biol, January 2008 animal study, Its seed is use to treat high cholesterol, heart attacks and strokes.

3. Skin Health And Inflammation :- 

Symptoms of skin inflammation are itching, redness, rashes, dry skin and pain in skin. Skin inflammation can be diagnosed by an examination of the rash.

Coriander Action :- It is beneficial for skin itching, redness, inflammation, infection and improve sensitivity of skin. It is rich source of iron which help to improve dull skin.

As per  Food Nutr Res, 2022 controlled pilot clinical study, 200 mg oral consumption of coriander seed oil (daily for 28 days) can improve skin sensitivity, reactivity, inflammation, redness and itching on skin.

According to J Med Food, August 2014 animal study, It can inhibit the development of contact dermatitis like skin lesions in mice.

4. Diabetes :-

Diabetes increases your blood sugar level. Its main types are type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Main risk factors of diabetes are family history and environmental factor.

Its main symptoms are blurry vision, weight loss, fatigue, increase urination, dry mouth, feeling tired, dry skin and weakness.

Coriander Action :- Its oil, seed and leave are beneficial for maintain blood sugar level by stimulates insulin secretion. It help to improve insulin release from beta cells of pancreas.

Aqueous extract of leave and ethanol extract of seed are use to reduce blood sugar level. More human study need to confirm.

According to Br J Nutr, March 1999 animal study, An aqueous extract of coriander is help to reduce blood sugar level by stimulating insulin secretion from a clonal B-cell line.

According to Phytother Res, March 2009 animal study, An ethanol extract of the coriander seeds is effectively reduce serum glucose level and increased insulin release from the beta cells of the pancreas.

According to J Food Sci, July 2012 animal study, Its bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, steroids, tannins are beneficial for diabetes mellitus.

5. Digestion :- 

Digestion is a process of breck down food into simple substance. Patient may experience bloating, nausea, gas and heartburn in indigestion.

Main causes of indigestion are overeating, smoking, high fat diet, high alcohol consumption, stress and some medicine. Irritable bowel syndrome is a uncomfortable or painful abdominal symptoms.

Coriander Action :- Its oral consumption is beneficial for abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, bloating, bowel movement and promote digestion.

Coriander seed is good source of fiber which help to soft your stool and speed up the passage of foods through the stomach and intestines.

As per Dig Dis Sci, August 2006, randomized controlled trial, Its extract is effective for relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome such as abdominal pain, discomfort and bloating.

6. Antimicrobial Effect And Food Preservation :- 

Antimicrobial medicines are use to prevent or treat infections. Food preservation is a process of prevent foodborne illness and maintain its flavor, nutritional value as well as texture.

Coriander Action :- Both seeds and leaves are effective against infection which is beneficial for foodborne illness. Its oil and extract are using in food preservation.

Daily consumption of coriander leaves and seeds are beneficial for urinary tract infections.

According to Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, January 2017 review, Coriander seed oil is effective against gram positive as well as gram negative bacteria and fungal infection. Coriander seed oil is use in food preservation.

As per Food, March 2020 study, Its essential oil is use to prevent fungal growth in bread.

According to J Med Microbiol, October 2011 study, It use to kill pathogenic bacteria related to foodborne diseases and hospital infections.

7. Cancer :- 

Cancer consist of abnormal cells which are divide uncontrollably. Its common symptoms are lumps under skin, fever, pain in affected area, tiredness, weight loss and difficult to breathing.

Main causes of cancer are smoking, unhealthy diet, tobacco use, high alcohol consumption, environment and genetic. 

Coriander Action :- Its essential nutrition are effectively decrease cancer cell activity. It can be use with conventional drugs for cancer treatment.

As per BMC Complement Altern Med, December 2013 study, Ethyl acetate extract of coriander roots is useful in the treatment of cancer disease.

According to Biomed Res Int, 2021 study, It is help to inhibit cancer proliferation.

8. Improve Vision :-

Conjunctivitis is also known as pink eye and it can irritating to eye. Most common causes of conjunctivitis are viruses, bacteria, allergens, ameba, parasites chemicals and fungi.

Common symptoms of conjunctivitis are redness, itching, tearing in one or both eye. It may sensitive to light.

Coriander Action :- Its active components are help to improve conjunctivitis and vision. It contain many essential nutrition like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E which is beneficial for eye health. Vitamins help to keep your eye moist and protect your vision.

Cilantro contain high amount of vitamins than coriander seeds. Cilantro extract is more beneficial for eye health and conjunctivitis than its seed.

Side Effects And Precaution Of Coriander :- 

Cilantro (leaves) and coriander (seed) both are safe for oral consumption. Both are effective for many chronic disease condition such as brain problem, cancer, conjunctivitis and also use in food preservation.

Some peoples are allergic to coriander seed and cilantro. Some common side effects of coriander are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance to swelling inside mouth, swelling in throat, difficulty in breathing, reduce blood pressure, decrease blood sugar level and dizziness.
  • In topical application :- It may chance to skin rashes, hives, itching and skin irritation.

Due to insufficient information, advice to avoid or use in less amount of cilantro as well as coriander during breast feeding and pregnancy period.

Allergic people always avoid use of cilantro and coriander seed.

Nutrients Of Coriander :- 

Both cilantro (leaves) and coriander (seed) are belong to same plant Coriandrum sativum. It contain many essential nutrients which is beneficial for many disease. It is use to treat Alzheimer, indigestion, cancer, improve vision and skin inflammation.

Its seed can be use in powder, extract or raw seed form. Cilantro can be use in paste or raw form. Its essential oil is effective for food preservation.

Nutrition of coriander (seed) :-

  • Magnesium.
  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Selenium.
  • Copper.
  • Potassium.
  • Zinc.
  • Fiber.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Fats.
  • Protein.
  • Folate.

Nutrition of cilantro are :-

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Iron.
  • Manganese.
  • Calcium.
  • Copper.
  • Fiber.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Zinc.
  • Selenium.
  • Potassium.
  • Fats.
  • Protein.
  • Folate.
  • Choline.
  • Lutein.
  • Zeaxanthin.

Cilantro is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C and Vitamin K. Its seeds are rich in fiber and other mineral than cilantro.

Cilantro And Coriander :- 

Cilantro and coriander are widely use in the treatment many disease condition. It is beneficial for indigestion, inhibit cancer cells, vision, skin inflammation and improve remembering, thinking or make decisions ability.

Both are good flavoring agent and it most traditionally used in cooking. Seeds are called as coriander and leaves are called as cilantro of plant Coriandrum sativum. Both are have slight different in tastes and nutrient profiles.

Cilantro is an herb with bright green leaves in delicate nature and coriander is a dried seed of plant Coriandrum sativum. Cilantro should be store in the refrigerator and seed can be store in room temperature.

Its seeds are rich in dietary fiber than cilantro and drinking coriander water is to much beneficial for digestion. Cilantro contain high amount of vitamins than seeds. Its seeds contain high amount of minerals than cilantro.

Coriander Water :- 

Coriander contain many essential nutrition which is beneficial for health. Coriander water is use to improve digestion problems, skin problems, maintain cholesterol level, boost immunity and improve water retention in body.

It help to reduce oxidative stress and protect from cell damage. Coriander water is much effective for weight loss treatment. Coriander seeds are rich source of dietary fiber and other essential minerals.

Advice to drink coriander water in empty stomach at morning and honey can be add to sweet taste. Honey can be add for sweet taste and also it enhance nutrition of coriander water.

Preparation of coriander water :-

  • Take coriander seed without any impurity.
  • Soak seed in water for overnight.
  • In morning, strain the water.
  • Add honey for sweet taste (optional).

Coriander water is use to keep cool and help water retention in the body.

How To Grow Cilantro At Home :-  

Cilantro herb is an easy crop to grow at your home. It can be grown in any climatic conditions and it is short term crop. During hot weather, foliage are reduce quickly. It can be grow either in your grader or pot.

Fresh leaves, stems, dry seeds are use for medicinal purpose and flavor to food. Normally, it grows within 40-45 days after sowing of seeds.

It is a soft plant and rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and Vitamin K than coriander seed.

Steps to grow cilantro :-

  • Choose pot or spot of garden with well drained fertile soil.
  • Cilantro need sun to grow. Ensure for proper sun light to pot or garden spot.
  • Sow the coriander seed in soil and cover with soil.
  • Keep the soil moist.
  • Harvest after cilantro reach 4 to 6 inches.

Its seeds and leaves are use in cooking and pharmaceutical industry. Insufficient scientific information to determine coriander dose. Its dose may be depend on age, body weight, health and other factors.

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