Cinnamon : 7 Important Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an ancient spice from inner bark of cinnamon tree. Its powder, oil and extract are use for cooking, food preservation and medicine preparation.

Its unique flavor is use in the preparation of mouthwash, toothpaste, tea, coffees, biscuits, cake, cookies, muffins, chewing gum, candies and various drinks.

Synonyms :- Cinnamon Bark, Ceylon Cinnamon, Kalmi Dalchini.

Biological Source :- It consist dried inner bark of the coppiced trees Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Nees.

Family :- It belong to Lauraceae family.

Geographical Source :- It is found in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Jamaica, India. It is considered to be native of Sri Lanka.

Cultivation And Collection :- The seeds are sown in June to July and allowed to grow for 10 to 12 month. 800 to 100 M altitude and sandy or siliconous soil is favorable for its cultivation. Ideal rainfall should be 200 to 250 cm.

Rainy season is more suitable for harvesting. In rainy season, it easy to peel off the bark from shoots. Average production is 200 to 300 kg bark per hectare with 2 to 3 kg leaf oil per year.

Macroscopic Characters :-

  • Colour :- Yellowish brown.
  • Taste :- Aromatic and sweet.
  • Odour :- Fragrant.
  • Size :- 1 cm in diameter ,1 M in length and 0.5 mm thickness of bark.
  • Shape :- Compound quills.

Chemical Constituent :- Its bark contain 1.2 % of tannins, 0.5 to 1.0 % of volatile oil, starch, mucilage, calcium oxalate and mannitol.

Its oil contain 60 to 70 % of cinnamaldehyde, 5 to 10 % eugenol, cuminaldehyde, benzaldehyde, pinene, phellandrene, caryophyllene and cymene.

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon :- 

1. Heart :- 

Main symptoms of heart disease are shortness of breath, heartburn, difficulty in sleep, sweating, chest pain, neck pain, quick exhaustion and dizziness.

Risk factors of heart problem are unhealthy diet, physicals inactivity, obesity, stress, high alcohol consumption and some disease condition like diabetes.

Cinnamon Action :- Its daily supplement is use to improve blood circulation and high systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. It help to reduce triglyceride and total cholesterol which is beneficial for heart health.

According to Avicenna J Phytomed, January to February 2021 pilot study, Its capsules are use as complementary treatment in stage 1 hypertension patients (S1HTN).

As per Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2020 meta analysis, It help to reduce systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure.

As Per Clin Nutr ESPEN, April 2020 meta analysis, Cinnamon supplement is beneficial for high blood pressure.

According to Adv Pharm Bull, December 2014 animal study, Regular training with cinnamon supplement can improve cardiac function in male rats.

2. High Blood Sugar :- 

Weight loss, body weakness, tiredness, blurry vision, frequently urination, thirsty feeling, infection like skin, mouth or vaginal are some symptoms of high blood sugar.

Main risk factors of high blood sugar are obesity and family history.

Cinnamon Action :- Its consumption help to slow down sugar transport from the bloodstream to the tissues, slow down stomach emptying and maintain sugar level in bloodstream.

Its consumption can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce amount of glucose entry in blood circulation. Its extract, powder or capsule are using in sugar reducing treatment.

As per Clin Nutr, April 2019 randomized controlled trial, 500 mg cinnamon capsules (twice a day for 3 months) is effective to maintain blood sugar level.

According to Phytother Res, February 2018 randomized controlled trial, Its capsule can improve insulin resistance.

As per J Am Nutr Assoc, randomized controlled trial, Cinnamon powder capsules are beneficial for type 2 diabetes patients.

According to Diabetes Res Clin Pract, October 2019 meta analysis, It help to reduce fasting blood glucose and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) level.

3. Obesity :-

Obesity is diagnose by using body mass index (BMI). It may increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease and digestive problem.

Its main symptoms are shortness of breath, more sweating, snoring, unable to perform physical activity, fatigue, back and joint pain.

Cinnamon Action :- Its oral consumption help to reduce triglycerides, total cholesterol, fat deposition and improve body mass index (BMI).

As per Clin Nutr, January 2020 meta analysis, It effectively reduce body weight, fat mass and improve body mass index (BMI).

As per Phytother Res, March 2020 meta analysis, It is use in weight loss treatment.

According to J Clin Lipidol, November to December 2017 review, It can reduce blood triglycerides and total cholesterol in body.

As per J Food Biochem, August 2022 umbrella meta analysis, 3 gm per day cinnamon dose is enough for weight loss treatment.

4. Anti Inflammatory :- 

Types of inflammation are acute inflammation (short period) and chronic inflammation (long period). Pain, heat and swelling are the primary symptoms of inflammation.

Cinnamon Action :- Its components are help to reduce inflammation and beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis. Its powder or extract are use to treat inflammation.

According to J Am Coll Nutr, May 2018 clinical trial, 500 mg cinnamon powder capsules are effective for rheumatoid arthritis inflammation.

As per Food Funct, March 2015 comparative study, Its daily oral consumption can improve age related inflammation.

According to Nutrients, July 2022 review, It is use to reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage.

As per Food Funct, November 2018 study, It has anti inflammatory effects.

5. Anti Microbial :- 

Anti microbial agents are help to prevent or treat bacterial, fungal and viral infection.

Cinnamon Action :- Its extract as well as oil is use to treat respiratory tract infections, mouth infections, food preservation and improve bad breath.

Its topical application or oral consumption both are beneficial for infection.

According to Nutrients, September 2015 review, Its extracts or oil both are use in food products and cosmetics to reduce bacterial degradation.

As per Molecules, September 2020 review, Extracts, oil or pure form of cinnamon is effective against oral pathogens and improve dental health.

According to Microb Pathog, July 2018 review, It can be use against gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

6. Cancer :- 

Cancer is start almost anywhere in body and its cell grow uncontrollably which made trillions of cancer cell. Its main symptoms are lumps under skin, difficulty in breathing, fever, change in weight and tiredness.

Cinnamon Action :- Its main component cinnamaldehyde is help to prevent from cancer cell progression. Only animal and test tube studies prove its anti-cancer properties. More human research’s are need to confirm.

According to BMC Cancer, July 2010 study, Its extract is help to inhibit proliferation of tumor cell and can be use as complementary or alternative medicine for cancer treatment.

As per Front Pharmacol, May 2022 study, Its cinnamaldehyde can inhibit cancer progression.

7. Brain Function :- 

Memory loss, difficulty in concentrating or thinking, changing in behavior are main symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Slow physical movements, muscle stiffness and tremor are main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Cinnamon Action :- Its main components such as eugenol, cinnamaldehyde are help to improve brain function. Its extract is effective for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease in animal. It need human research to confirm. 

According to Curr Alzheimer Res, 2021 review, Cinnamon spice is beneficial for neurodegenerative diseases.

As per Nutr Neurosci, January 2023 systematic review, Its main components can improve memory and learning function.

According to J Mol Neurosci, January 2021 study, It is useful to treat Alzheimer’s as well as Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

Side Effects Of Cinnamon :-

Its essential nutrition’s are beneficial for inflammation, heart problems, high blood sugar level, obesity and use to reduce bacterial degradation. It is available in powder, extract and oil form.

Its small quantity is always safe for use. Some peoples are allergic to cinnamon.

Its some common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance to throat irritation, liver damage, breathing irritation, abdominal discomfort, hives, swelling or itching in mouth. It may interact with other medication.
  • In topical application :- It may chance to hives and skin irritation.

Dose Of Cinnamon :- 

Its flavor is use in the preparation of toothpaste, chewing gum, coffees, tea, mouthwash, various drinks and cooking. Its powder, oil or extract are beneficial for inflammation, infection, obesity, heart problems and high blood sugar.

Its small dose is safe for daily intake and large dose may be harmful to body. Recommended 0.5 gm to 3 gm dose consider as a safe for daily use.

Due to insufficient information, Use less or avoid use of cinnamon in pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Nutrition Of Cinnamon :- 

It essential nutrition’s are useful in heart problems, high blood sugar, inflammation, obesity and infection. It is use to make chewing gum, mouthwash, toothpaste, drinks and for cooking.

It contain :-

  • Calories.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Fiber.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.

Types Of Cinnamon :- 

Cinnamon is commonly use in cooking and herbal medicine. There are many types of cinnamon and each one have slight different fragrance as well as taste.

Its main two types are :-

  • Ceylon cinnamon/ true cinnamon :- True cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka. It is expensive than cassia cinnamon with slight sweeter flavor. It is thinner, softer and lighter color than cassia.
  • Cassia cinnamon/ regular cinnamon :- Regular cinnamon is native to China. It is most commonly use and consider as lower quality than ceylon cinnamon. It has strong flavor and available in dark brown in color.

Both the types are use to make coffees, biscuits, cake, cookies, muffins, mouthwash, toothpaste, tea, candies, chewing gum and various drinks. Also use in food products and cosmetics to reduce the incidence of infection.

Storage Of Cinnamon :- 

Always store in well closed container. Keep it in cool and dark place away from direct sunlight. It is sensitive to light, heat and moisture.

Balance Diet Include :- Carbohydrate, Proteins, Nitrogenous Food, Fats, Vitamins, Mineral Salt and Water. 

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