Castor Oil : 6 Important Health Benefits Of Castor Oil

Castor oil is a thick, translucent, nonvolatile fatty oil obtained from castor bean. It is using in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.  Ricinoleic acid is main component of castor oil.

It is widely use to make medicines, beauty products, foods, soaps, varnishes, grease, polishes, lubricants, paints, printing inks, waxes, nylon and perfumes.

It has better viscosity even at low temperature and use as commercial lubricant in diesel, jet and racing engines.

Synonym :- Ricinus oil.

Biological Source :- It is fixed oil obtained from the seeds of Ricinus communis.

Family :- It is belong to Euphorbiaceae family.

Geographical Source :- Its seeds are produce in India, Thailand, Brazil, U.S.A, Romania and U.S.S.R.

Description :- 

  • Colour :- Pale yellow or colourless.
  • Odour :- Characteristic or slightly odour.
  • Taste :- Slightly acrid taste.
  • Solubility :- Soluble in alcohol and insoluble in mineral oil.

Chemical Constituents :- 80% triglyceride of ricinoleic acid, linoleic acid, isoricinoleic acid, stearic acid and isostearic acid. It also contain sebacic acid and heptaldehyde undecenoic acid.

Health Benefits Of Castor Oil :- 

1. Constipation :- 

Your stools become dry and hard in constipation. Its main symptoms are pain during passing stools, feeling like rectum blocked, bleeding in rectum, stool become hard and dry. 

Main causes of constipation are lack of physicals activity, change in routine, stress, certain medication, disease condition, not eating enough fiber and water.

Castor Oil Action :- As per Food and Drug Administration (FDA), It can be use as natural laxative. It is rich source of ricinoleic acid which help to stimulate the bowels, create softer stools and relieve constipation.

It enhance muscle contractions, clean out the bowel and stool elimination. It can be consume with fruit juice, milk or water.

As per Complement Ther Clin Pract, February 2011, It help to control the symptoms of constipation by decreased feces consistency score and straining during defecation.

2. Wound Healing :- 

Types of wound healing are primary wound healing (close a wound by using staples, glues, stitches), secondary wound healing (wound leave it to heal naturally) and tertiary wound healing (it need to delay the wound closing).

Castor Oil Action :- Its main fatty acid known as ricinoleic acid is help to reduce wound inflammation, pain, risk of infection and support wound healing.

It can be use topically in the combination with other oils or ingredients.

According to Polym Adv Technol, June 2018 animal study, Its ricinoleic acid is beneficial topically for wound healing and inflammation.

As per Ostomy Wound Manage, June 2003 study, Castor oil containing ointments are effective for wound healing.

3. Skin Effective :- 

Common symptoms of dry skin are feeling like skin tightness, rough, itchiness and skin peeling. Main causes of dry skin are heat, environment, much scrubbing, using soaps, certain medication and aging.

Castor Oil Action :- It is rich source of fatty acid known as ricinoleic acid and it help to promote skin hydration, softening the skin, enhancing the skin texture, skin complexion etc.

It is using in many cosmetic products to enhance moisturizing. It is effective to remove skin dirt, prevent wrinkles, treat dry skin, provide sun protection and lower acne symptoms.

Castor oil is a thick and sticky oil, it can be use with the help of cotton ball on skin surface.

Advice to use with olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil to reduce its thickness. (Olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil is totally optional to use).

4. For Hair :- 

Hair felting is a rare disorder of scalp hair, your hair becomes twisted, entangled as a hard stony mass.

Castor Oil Action :- It is use to improve hair health and blood circulation on scalp. It is beneficial for scalp infections, hair growth and to treat felting hair. More research need for exact action of castor oil on hair.

According to J Drugs Dermatol, July 2022 systematic review, Application of castor oil can improve quality of hair, treat infestation and enhance hair growth.

As per Int J Trichology, July-September 2017 study, Castor oil is highly viscous oil and beneficial for felting of hair.

5. Anti Inflammation Effect :- 

Types of inflammation are acute inflammation (short lived) and chronic inflammation (long lasting). Main symptoms of inflammation are redness, stiffness and pain in affected area.

Castor Oil Action :- Its topical application or oral consumption both are beneficial for inflammation. Ricinoleic acid is a fatty acid of castor oil and its capsule is use to treat arthritic pain as well as inflammation.

As per Mediators Inflamm, 2000 animal study, Castor oil is a rich source of ricinoleic acid and it can be use to reduce inflammation.

As per Phytother Res, October 2009 randomized controlled trial, Castor oil capsule (thrice a daily) for 4 weeks is effective treatment for primary knee osteoarthritis.

6. Labor Induction :- 

Labor induction is the process that stimulates childbirth and delivery. It prompting the uterus to contract during pregnancy.

Castor Oil Action :- Its oral administration is safe for labor induction and cervical ripening in pregnant women. It is totally natural remedy for labor induction.

According to J Pharmacopuncture, June 2022 systematic review and meta-analysis, Single dose of castor oil (60 ml) orally is effective for cervical ripening and labor induction. It help to softening and widening the cervix for childbirth.

As per Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, July august 2022 systematic review and meta analysis, Castor oil can increase the rate of labor induction and increases the prevalence of vaginal delivery.

Side Effects And Precaution Of Castor Oil :- 

Its topical application and oral consumption both are beneficial for health. Its small doses is consider as safe and large dose or misusing can cause some side effect.

Its large dose can imbalances electrolyte in body. It is not recommended for long term treatment or use. Some peoples are allergic to castor oil. Its common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption :- It may chance to vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, cramping, difficulty in breathing, dizziness and stomach pain.
  • In topical application :- It may chance to skin irritation, skin rashes and eye irritation.

Always avoid during pregnancy period, it may chance of induce labor. Due to insufficient information, always consults your doctor during breastfeeding.

Allergic peoples are avoid use of castor oil.

Nutrition Of Castor Oil :- 

Its components are beneficial for wound healing, dry skin, hair health, constipation, labor induction, arthritic pain and inflammation. It is use as commercial lubricant.

Castor oil is a rich source of fatty acid called ricinoleic acid. It also contain linoleic acid, isoricinoleic acid, stearic acid and isostearic acid.

Its main nutrition’s are :-

  • Calories.
  • Fat.
  • Protein.
  • Vitamin E
  • Omega-9 fatty acids
  • Omega-6 fatty acids

Extraction Of Castor Oil :- 

Castor oil is extracted from castor bean and it contain about 30%–50% oil. Castor oil is extracted by mechanical pressing, solvent extraction or a combination of both.

Process of castor oil extraction :- 

After harvesting, seeds are allowed to dry and remove the hull manually with the hands or mechanically from the seeds. Mechanical machines are more preferable for dehulling process. 

After the hull removing process, clean the seeds properly to remove sand, stems or leaves. Then remove the moisture and make seed harden by steam heating. The cooked seeds are ready for extraction after well dried.

Using high hydraulic press to crush the castor seeds and extract oil. High temperature is most preferable and even low temperature also suitable for this process.

This process still remain some impurities in the extracted oil. Filter it properly to remove water, acids, any dissolved gases and other particulates. Collected oil is pale yellow in color and refining to make colorless oil.

Oil refining steps are degumming, neutralization, bleaching, deodorization and it help to remove excess free fatty acids, phospholipids colloidal matter etc.

Castor Oil Storage :- 

Ricinoleic acid is a main component of castor oil and it is beneficial for constipation, wound healing, inflammation, skin health, hair health, labor induction and cervical ripening in pregnant women.

Try to use fresh castor oil. Always store in cool, dry place and keep away from direct sunlight. It is not freeze at lower temperature.

Dosage Of Castor Oil :-

It is good source of fatty acid and its main component is known as ricinoleic acid. It is use to prepare ink, polishes, waxes, paints, grease, varnishes, various medication and beauty products.

Its short term use and small dose consider as a safe. Always avoid its long term use and large dose, it can cause some severe side effects. It can be consume with fruit juice.

Its orally and topically use is safe.

  • For adult :- 15-60 ml orally single dose is consider as safe for short periods of time or always consult to your doctor before use. Not recommended its long term use.

It is thick and translucent in nature. Its thickness can be reduce by using olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil for topical use.

Its viscosity, pour point, thermal conductivity and density is higher than the standard lubricant. Its several other forms such as hydrogenated castor oil, dehydrated castor oil are using industrially.

Dehydrate castor oil is use in the manufacturing of linoleum and alkyl resins. White colorless waxy hydrogenated castor oil is use in the preparation of cream, polishes and ointments.

It is stable even at lower temperature. It is using to make contraceptive cream, jellies and basic raw material in nylon manufacturing.

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