Black Pepper : 8 Important Health Benefits Of Black Pepper

Black pepper is referred as the ‘king of spices’ which is commonly use in cooking and ayurvedic formulation. Its main contain piperine is a natural alkaloid.

Its name come from Sanskrit word pippali. Its oil is using in medical industry, to make perfumes and aromatherapy.

Synonym :- Pepper.

Biological Source :- It is dried unripe fruit of perennial climbing vine Piper Nigrum Linn.

Family :- It is belong to Piperaceae family.

Geographical source :- It is cultivate in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil and Sri Lanka.

Cultivation and Collection :- Clay, red loams, sandy loams are suitable soil for its cultivation and temperature should in between 10 °C to 40 °C. Altitude should upto1200 meter with well distributed annual rainfall.

Pepper is cultivated by sowing the seeds or by propagating cutting and start fruiting after 7 to 8 year. Vine need strong support to climb. One hectare contain 1000 vines with 100 kg dry pepper per annum yield.

Macroscopic Characters :- 

  • Colour :- Greyish black or blackish brown.
  • Size :- 3.5 mm to 6 mm.
  • Shape :- Globular.
  • Taste :- Aromatic and pungent.

Chemical Constituents :- It contain volatile oil (1 to 2.5 %), alkaloid piperine (5 to 9 %), pungent resin (6 %), piperidine and starch (30 %).

Health Benefits Of Black Pepper :- 

1. Anti Inflammatory :- 

Main symptoms of inflammation are pain, loss of function, swelling, skin rash, redness in affected area, fever and heat.

Black Pepper Action :- Its main component piperine is beneficial for for inflammation. It can be use to treat arthritis pain and inflammation.

Black pepper with turmeric and ginger use for better result in inflammation.

According to Beni Suef Univ J Basic Appl Sci, January 2022 review, Its amide alkaloid piperine is help to reduce arthritis inflammation and pain.

As per Arthritis Res Ther 2009 animal study, Its dietary supplement can reduce inflammation by inhibited the expression of IL6. More study need for more efficacy and adverse effects.

As per Phytother Res, August 2020 randomized controlled trial, Turmeric extract with black pepper and ginger is similar effective as naproxen in chronic knee osteoarthritis. (Naproxen is use to reduce mild arthritis pain and inflammation).

As per Cell Immunol, July – August 2013 animal study, It is same effective as indomethacin in rheumatoid arthritis. (Indomethacin is use to relieve symptoms of arthritis).

2. Cancer :- 

Cancer cells are grow uncontrollably. Its main risk factors are improper diet, smoking, tobacco use, environments, dangerous radiation and genetic factor.

Main symptoms of cancer are lumps formation under skin, weight loss, fever, pain in affected area and difficulty in breathing.

Black Pepper Action :- Its main component piperine is beneficial against dangerous cancer cells. Black pepper and turmeric combination is much effective to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.

As per Toxicol Res (Camb), March 2021 study, Its alkaloid piperine can inhibit the cellular proliferation of leukemic cells.

According to Curr Med Chem, 2018 review, Its main components are provide barriers to cancerous cell.

According to Front Cell Dev Biol, February 2018 review, Its piperine is a potent impediment for cellular proliferation and survival of many types of cancer cells.

As per Food Chem, December 2013 study, Piperine is beneficial for human breast cancer with HER2 overexpression.

3. Blood Sugar Control :- 

It is also known as hyperglycemia. Its main causes are improper diet, insufficient sleep, physical inactivity, certain medication, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption.

Its main symptoms are thirsty feeling, fatigue, feeling weak, hungry feeling, slow down healing power, urinating often, blurry vision and unexpected weight loss.

Black Pepper Action :- Its main component piperine is help to lower the risk of high blood sugar. It can be use with diabetes medicine to enhance the antidiabetic effect.

It is use to reduce the dose of type 2 diabetes medicines.

According to Pharmacognosy Res, January – March 2016 animal study, Piperine and metformin combination is more beneficial for hyperglycemia than metformin alone. (Metformin is use to treat high blood sugar levels).

As per Mol Nutr Food Res, June 2018 study, Piperine is an alkaloid of black pepper and it help to prevent hyperglycemia.

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder. Its main symptoms are memory loss, unable to concentrating and reduce thinking power.

In Parkinson’s disease, your nerve cells get break or die. Its main symptoms are muscle stiffness, tremor and difficult to movement.

Black Pepper Action :- Its main components can improve memory, behavior, neuroinflammation and cognitive function by stimulating the chemical pathways. It is beneficial for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

According to Aging Dis, June 2023 review, Its main component piperine is help to prevent symptoms of age related neurological disorders.

As per J Clin Diagn Res, April 2015 animal study, It can improve memory and thinking skills.

5. Maintain Cholesterol :-

Dairy product, meat and poultry contain high amount of dietary cholesterol. Main risk factors of high cholesterol are obesity, smoking, poor diet, high alcohol consumption, age and lack of physicals activity.

Black Pepper Action :- Its main component piperine is use to reduce the bad cholesterol and simultaneously increasing the levels of good cholesterol.

It help to reduce triglyceride, body weight and enhance the absorption of other essential supplements. More human study’s are need to confirm.

As per J Nat Med, April 2013 study, Piperine can reduces cholesterol uptake.

According to Indian h Pharmacol, May – June 2011 animal study, Piperine supplement can reduce total cholesterol, triglyceride and body weight without change in food appetite.

6. Improve Digestion And Gut Health :- 

Indigestion also called as dyspepsia which is discomfort in your upper abdomen. Its main causes are overeating, high alcohol consumption, smoking, eating low fiber food and certain medication.

Some symptoms of indigestion are uncomfortable after meal, burning in abdomen, nausea, discomfort and bloating in abdomen.

Black Pepper Action :- It can stimulate the activity of digestive enzymes and secret hydrochloric acid in stomach which is beneficial for protein digestion.

It help to reduce stomach discomfort, stomach gas, improve digestion and gut health. More human study’s are need to confirm.

As per Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2007 review, Piperine help to stimulate digestive enzymes of pancreas, reduces the gastrointestinal food transit time and improve digestive capacity.

According to Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2013 review, Its gastro protective effect is beneficial for gut health.

7. Weight Loss :- 

Main causes of obesity are high fat diet, stress, lack of physical activity, pregnancy, genetic, disease condition and certain medicines.

Its common symptoms are hair loss, constipation, shortness of breath and more sweating. Body mass index (BMI) is use to diagnose obesity.

Black Pepper Action :- It helps to break down of lipids and increase metabolism in body. It use to reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride which is effective for weight loss treatment. More human researches’ are need to confirm.

As per Indian J Pharmacol, May – June 2011 study, Its piperine can reduce lipid without any change in food appetite.

According to J Agric Food Chem, April 2012 study, It use in the treatment of obesity related diseases.

8. Skin Effective :-

Vitiligo affected skin become lighter than your natural skin tone. Loss of skin color in increasing order is a primary symptom of vitiligo.

Main causes of vitiligo are exposure of ultraviolet radiation, exposure of toxic chemical, stress, defective melanocytes and genetic changes.

Black Pepper Action :- Its topical application help to prevent discolored patches over skin. Both raw or cooked form are beneficial for vitiligo and skin health.

As per Phytother Res, September 2018 randomized controlled trial, Topical piperine with narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) is effective in the treatment of vitiligo.

As per Anc Sci Life, April 1990 clinical trial, Fermented preparation of black pepper, ginger, pippali and leadwort root in cow’s urine can be use to treat vitiligo.

Side Effects And Precautions Of Black Pepper :-

Its essential components are beneficial for cancer, inflammation, diabetes, Alzheimer, vitiligo and high cholesterol. Its oral consumption, inhalation and topical application are safe. Some peoples are allergic to black pepper.

Its typical amount is considered as safe for cooking. As per research, up to 20 mg per dose is safe for oral consumption. High consumption of black pepper may increases the chances of burning sensations in the stomach.

Some common side effects of black pepper are :-

  • In oral consumption :- In may chance to stomach discomfort and burning sensations in mouth as well as stomach.
  • In topical application :- Its oil may chance to burning sensations on skin.
  • In inhalation :- It may cause cough and stomach upset.

Always avoid use near to the eye surface, it may chance bunning sensation to eye.

Always use less amount during pregnancy, it may cause an abortion. In breast feeding, always use in less amount or consult your doctor.

Its oil or raw form are using in cooking, medical industry’s, aromatherapy, use to make preservative and perfumery. Its nutrition is beneficial for inflammation, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, skin problem and improve brain function.

There is not enough information about exact doses of black pepper. Advise to use in less amount for children and breast feeding women than adult.

Nutrition Of Black Pepper :- 

It is good source of manganese. It is effective in diabetes, cancer, inflammation, high cholesterol, vitiligo and brain function. It is use to make Ayurveda formulation.

Its nutrition are :-

  • Calories.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Dietary Fiber.
  • Protein.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.
  • Zinc.
  • Calcium.
  • Manganese.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin E.

The pepper plant is a woody climber grow up to 4 m. It is native to the southern part of India.

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