Prescription : Its 8 Important Parts


Definition : – A prescription should be written by only registered medical practitioner or other licensed practitioners such as dentist, veterinarian or surgeon. Legal prescription contain detail information for preparation, dispensing to the pharmacist and also mention mode of administration for the patient. The prescriptions are generally written in the English language but Latin words … Read more

Dosage Form : 4 Important Dosage Forms

Dosage form :- A pure form of drug is rarely prescribe by medicinal practitioner. Pure form of drug is convert into a dosage form by adding with some non drug compound called excipients. The design of dosage form provide fixed amount of active drug to form most efficacious and convenient. The human have sense of … Read more

5 Important Biological Molecules

Important Biological Molecules Are  1) Carbohydrates :-  Carbohydrates are the most important organic molecules in nature. It is composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. In carbohydrate, structure of carbon atoms are normally arranged in a ring and this ring linked with the oxygen as well as hydrogen atoms. Carbohydrates are provide glucose in body and … Read more

Balanced Diet : 7 Components Of Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet :- Eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions to maintain a healthy body. A nutrient is a substance that digested, absorbed and used to promote body function. Balanced diet is important for nutritional supply and provides strength to body immune system.   A substance that need to maintain in balanced diet … Read more