Amla : 10 Important Health Benefits of Amla

Amla is rich source of vitamin C and mineral. It also known as Indian gooseberries which is using in ayurvedic medicine from ancient.

Its fruit is greenish yellow in color and round in shape. Ripe fruits is come in the winter season which is work as winter tonic. 100 gm of fresh amla contains as much vitamin C than 20 oranges.

Synonyms :- Amla, Emblica, Indian goose berry.

Biological Source :- It is dried as well as fresh fruits of the plant Emblica officinalis.

Family :- It is belong to Euphorbiaceae family.

Geographical Source :- It is found in Indian forest, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

Cultivation and collection :- Coarse gravelly or red loamy soil with 1500 M altitude is suitable for its cultivation. Its plant grown by using seed germination and form exact replica of parent plant by budding. For cultivation, seed are place in the distance of 4.5 *4.5 meter.

Its flowers come in hot season and fruits ripen in winter season. Average expectation from healthy plant is 200 to 300 kg fruit production.

Macroscopic Characters :-

  • Odour :- None.
  • Color :- Green to light yellow and brick red after maturation.
  • Taste :- Cardamom and astringent.
  • Shape :- Globose.
  • Size :- 1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter.

Chemical Constituents :- Rich source of vitamin C, fat, tannin, phyllemblin and pectin. It contain some mineral like iron ,calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium and phosphorus.

Health Benefits Of Amla :- 

1. Immunity :- 

Two major types of immunity are innate immunity which is present in our body at birth and acquired immunity which is get from mother’s breast milk or through blood.

Amla Action :- It is rich source of vitamin C, alkaloids and polyphenols. Vitamin C help to reduces oxidative stress, fight against foreign body, enhance proliferation of B-cell and T- cell.

As per Contemp Clin Trials Commun, March 2020 controlled study, It is beneficial for endothelial function, renal function and reduction in biomarkers of oxidative stress in body.

According to Nutrients, November 2017 review, Its vitamin C contributes to improve innate as well as adaptive immune defense by supporting various cellular functions.

2. Hair :-

Common hair problems are hair dandruff, hair loss, dry hair and dull hair. Main causes of hair problem are lack of nutrition, changing hormones, stress and various medication.

Amla Action :- Amla and its fatty acid is beneficial for grey hair, dandruff and providing softness, shine to hair. Its vitamin C, carotene and iron help to increase length as well as volume of hair.

Many hair oil preparation contain amla which help to stimulates hair follicles by replace dead cell, improve hair fall and scalp blood circulation.

As per Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 2020 clinical study, Hair serum containing amla extract, freeze-dried coconut water and micronutrient is beneficial for hair growth rate, hair density and reduction in hair fall.

3. Digestion And Heartburn :-

Digestion is process of breakdown of food into smaller components which is absorb by blood. Common causes of indigestion are overeating, fast eating, smoking, alcohol, chocolate, anxiety, certain medication, fatty or spicy foods.

Heartburn is acid refluxing up from stomach. Main symptoms of heartburn are burring pain in chest, acidic or bitter taste in mouth. Spicy foods, citrus food, fried food, fatty meals, high alcohol consumption, smoking and stress can increase the chances of heartburn.

Amla Action :- Its fiber help to regulate bowel movements and use to treat stomach ulcer.

As per J Integr Med, March 2018 controlled trial, Using of 500 mg amla tablets, twice a day for 4 weeks can reduce frequencies of heartburn and regurgitation.

As per J Ethnopharmacxol, January 2011 clinical study, Its extract is use to treat diarrhea by blockade of muscarinic receptors and Ca (2+) channels.

According to Antioxidants (Basel), May 2022 review, Its polyphenol and vitamin C is beneficial for digestive tract protection.

4. Skin Problems :-

Skin problems are temporary or permeant. Main symptoms of skin problems are dry skin, skin redness, white dots on skin, rough skin, skin ulcer and skin pain.

Common causes of skin disease are week immunity, genetic factor, bacterial contact, fungal contact, environment, some medicine, direct sun and diabetes.

Amla Action :- Amla is rich source of vitamin C and it is natural blood purifier. Its oral consumption as well as topical application are beneficial for softening skin, maintain skin elasticity, skin pigmentation, dark spots, wrinkles and fine line on skin. 

Its paste can be use directly on skin to treat various skin problems such as pimples, scarring, pigmentation, death skin and effectively remove impurities on skin.

As per Biotechnol Appl Biochem, September 2019 controlled clinical trial, 25 mg of lingonberry and 30 mg of amla fruit extract can significantly improve skin elasticity, skin thickness and help to prevent wrinkle.

According to J Tradit Complement Med, September 2021 study, It is safe and effective for the treatment of various skin problems such as dry skin, wrinkle and irregular pigmentation.

5. Eye :- 

Main eye problems are cataract, glaucoma, amblyopia, strabismus, diabetic retinopathy, refractive errors, age related macular degeneration and conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of eye and it cause by bacteria, viruses, smoke, shampoos, fungi and other allergic reaction.

Amla Action :- Its carotene can improve eye vision, eye itching, watering eye, eye redness and age related macular degeneration problems (retina problem).

Its vitamin C is beneficial against bacterial infection to protect conjunctivitis, cataract problems and improving eye health.

According to Aging (Albany NY), February 2019 study, Treatment of purified amla extract is use to treat age related macular degeneration and improve eye vision. (Its extract is available in both liquid and capsule form).

According to Iran J Pharm Res, 2010 animal study, Its aqueous extract can delayed the progression of cataract in sodium selenite induced cataract formation rats.

6. Pain And Inflammation :- 

Types of pain are acute pain, chronic pain and referred pain. Causes of pain are burn, broken bone, electric injury, many foreign body, orthopedic injury and surgery. Main causes of inflammation are viruses, bacteria, toxic chemicals or injury.

Amla Action :- Its main component is effective for arthritis pain and inflammation. Human research’s need to confirm.  

According to Nutrients, December 2016 animal study, Its extract significantly alleviate hypersensitivity and pro inflammatory cytokine levels. Its extract effective for postoperative and neuropathic pain in vivo.

According to Int J Inflam, 2014 animal study, Its hydroalcoholic extract is beneficial for inflammation.

Amla Action :- Its main component is beneficial for detoxification and improve liver function. Human research’s need to confirm.

According to Food Funct, October 2013 animal review, It is effective for to decrease hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome and improve liver function.

8. Diabetes :-

Diabetes affect your use of blood sugar and occur due to insufficient production of insulin by pancreas. Family history and environment are main risk factors of diabetes.

Common symptoms of diabetes are blurry vision, lots of infection, heavy urination, weight loss, feeling tried, urination with ketones and slow healing sores.

Amla Action :- Its chromium and soluble fiber help to slow down sugar absorption rate, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, promote insulin secretion as well as prevent cell damage.  

As per Int J Food Sci Nutr, September 2011 controlled clinical trial, Oral consumption of amla powder (1, 2 or 3 g) for 21 days is help to decrease in fasting and 2-h post-prandial blood glucose levels.

According to Indian J Clin Biochem, April 2020 animal study, It provide protective effect against hyperglycemia and help to reduce oxidative stress.

9. Weight Loss And Cholesterol :- 

Weight gain is a natural part and its main causes are depression, insufficient sleep, certain medication, hypothyroidism, intestinal infection, dehydration, diabetes and smoking.

Main risk factors of high cholesterol are obesity, smoking, high alcohol consumption, poor diet and lack of exercise.

Amla Action :- Its consumption help to reduce fat accumulation in arteries, veins, and beneficial for maintain body weight. It juice, capsule and powder are use to treat obesity.

Its main component such as vitamin C is effectively improve digestion and metabolism.

As per BMC Complement Altern Med, January 2019 clinical trail, 500 mg amla extract capsule (twice daily) can significantly reduce body cholesterol, triglyceride and lipid ratios after 12 weeks of use. 

As per Indian J Pharmacol, March-April 2012 clinical study, 500 mg amla capsule (daily for 42 days) is beneficial for to reduce the level of lipids in body.

According to J Complement Integr Med, December 2017 animal study, Oral administrations of its aqueous extract (20 mg/kg) is help to reduce body weight and lipid level in rat.

10. Hypertension :-

Main risk factors of hypertension are obesity, family history, age, race, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, high salt diet, some medication, certain disease condition, lack of exercise, stress and pregnancy period.

Common symptoms of high blood pressure are chest pain, nausea, headache, breathing difficulty, confusion, blurred vision and dizziness. Blood pressure is measured in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Amla Action :- Its potassium can dilate the blood vessels and improve blood pressure. It can be use as complimentary treatment with antihypertensive drug.

As per Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2020 clinical trail, 500 mg amla with standard therapy is much effective for reduce the systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure and heart rate.

As per Indian J Pharmacol, March-April 2012 clinical study, Its capsule (500 mg) daily for 42 days is help to reduce lipid level and blood pressure.

Amla Nutrition :- 

It contain many essential nutrition which is beneficial for some disease such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, digestion, heartburn, eye, hair and skin health.

It is rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A and also It contain high amount of potassium with other essential minerals. Its nutrition are :-

  • Calories.
  • Proteins.
  • Carbohydrate.
  • Fiber.
  • Fat.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • vitamin B2.
  • vitamin B3.
  • vitamin B1.
  • Folates.
  • Potassium.
  • Copper.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Zinc.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Manganese.
  • Chromium.

Amla Juice :- 

Its vitamins and minerals is effective for various health condition. Its juice is use to improve digestion problem, boost immunity, eye problems, obesity, diabetes, skin problems, liver function and hypertension.

Ingredient Of Amla Juice :- 
  • Its sliced (Indian gooseberry).
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Honey.
  • Black pepper powder.
  • Cardamom powder.

Main Ingredients of juice are fresh amla and sugar. Salt, honey, black pepper and cardamon powder is optional use to improve the taste of juice.

Sugar or honey help to minimize sour taste and pinch of salt for changing taste of juice. Black pepper and cardamon is act as flavoring agent.

Preparation Of Amla Juice :- 
  • Choose a fresh and healthy amla to make juice.
  • Wash and clean the amla properly.
  • Raw or boil amla can be use.
  • Remove amla seeds.
  • Grind amla with purify water and sugar.
  • It is optional to add salt, honey, black pepper and cardamon power.
  • Stir well.
  • Filter it properly and remove extra material.

 Amla Hair Oil :-    

It contain various essential vitamins and mineral which is beneficial for hair health. Its oil is a natural hair remedy which is effective for grey hair, scalp blood circulation, hair dandruff, hair fall, softness and shine to hair.

How To Make Amla Oil :- 
  • Take fresh amla and clean it properly.
  • Cut amla into small pieces.
  • Heat coconut oil and simmer the amla pieces for 10 min.
  • Strain the oil and store in glass bottle.

It is good hair regenerator and it slow down hair fall. It also use to make hair shampoo.

Amla Murabba Recipes :-

Amla murabba making is very simple, it need only amla and sugar. Additional cardamom can be add for flavor. It is good source of vitamin C and other essential nutrition.

It is effective for eye problems, diabetes, blood pressure, digestion problem, obesity and maintain cholesterol. Its murabba can be use for long time.

Method For Amla Murabba Preparation :-
  • Wash and clean fresh amla.
  • Boil amla with high flam for 10 min.
  • Boil sugar and water, make it solution.
  • Add boil amla in this solution.
  • Cook over slow flam until amla get soft.
  • Allow to cool.
  • Add cardamom powder and mix it properly.
  • Store in glass bottle.

It is use as a natural nutraceuticals and available in powder, capsule, tablet, candy, juice form. It is use to make hair oil, shampoo, facial and body cream.

It is sour – bitter in taste. Some peoples are allergic to amla, its intake can drop your blood sugar levels and it is not recommended during and after surgery.

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