Aloe vera : 8 Important Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera name derives and originated from Arabic word “alloch” meaning a shining bitter substance and “vera” means true. It is use in various medicine, skin care and beauty product.

The genus of aloe consist of about 200 species with succulent large leaves. Upper portion is slightly concave and lower portion is rounded.

Its plant is triangular in shape, yellow color flowers and its fruits contain numerous seeds. Leaves contain clear gel with water, lipids, sterols, glucomannans, amino acids and vitamins. Aloe vera leaf consist of slimy tissue.

Synonyms :- Aloe, Kumari, Musabbar.

Biological Source :- Aloes is juice of the leaves aloe barbadensis miller, which is known as Curacao aloes ; or of aloe ferox miller and hybrids of this species aloe africana miller and aloe spicata baker, which is known as Cape aloes ; or of aloe perryi baker, which is known as Socotrine aloes.

Family :- It is belong to Liliaceae family.

Geographical Source :- Aloe is grown in East and South Africa, India, Caribbean islands and Europe.

Cultivation and Collection :- The plants are grow in poor grades soils, even at dry climatic condition. Aloe root planted in rows about 50 cm apart with water logging. The root do not penetrate much in soil.

Drug are obtain by leaves until the twelve years and after twelve years the plant are completely harvested. During the harvesting cut leaves carefully and collect drug.

Macroscopic Characters Aloe Gel :- 

  • Gel Color  :- Clear to slightly yellow or translucent gold.
  • Gel Odour :- Pungent and oniony smell.
  • Gel Taste :- Bitter.
  • Shape of aloe leaves :- Lance in shape.

Chemical constituent :- Main components are aloin, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, B-barbaloin, aloe emodi and resins.

Aloe contain aloetic acid, choline salicylate, saponins, homonataloin, aloesone, galactouronic aicd, mucopolysaccharides, glucosamines, hexuronic acid, chrysophanic acid, chrysamminic acid and coniferyl alcohol.

Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera :-

1. Constipation :-

In constipation, colon absorbs too much water from waste stool, which make dry and hard stool. Its risk factors are eating low fiber diet, eating large amounts of milk or cheese, certain medication, no physicals activity and not drinking enough water.

Aloe vera action :- Its main component known as aloin, barbaloin are help to increase bowel movements and treat constipation. Its juice is use as a natural laxative.

Main component of aloe vera is present in between the outer coating and inner part of aloe vera leaves which called as aloe latex.

Aloe latex contains anthraquinone glycosides which help to treat constipation. Normally 50 to 200 Mg of aloe latex is use to treat constipation either in liquid or capsule form.

As per Digestion, 1991 clinical trial, Aloe vera with celandine and psyllium capsule is effective treatment for constipation.

As per August 2011 Article, animal study, Ethanolic aloe vera extract can be use as laxative. 

2. Skin :- 

Epidermis layer is covered with film of water and lipids. Decrease skin elasticity is a natural part of the aging process. Smoking, older age, ultraviolet light and repeated facial can damage the skin tone.

Aloe vera action :- It is contain many essential nutrition which is beneficial for skin. Topical application of aloe vera help to retain skin moisture, increases skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, improve blood circulation on skin and treat skin ulcer.

It also use to treat skin damage after radiation therapy and use as complementary treatment in sunburn. Aloe vera use to make ointments, gels, skin lotion and cosmetic products such as moisturizers, shaving cream, sunscreens, soaps, shampoos etc.

According to Iran J Med sci, January 2019 review, It is beneficial for various skin problems like skin ulcer, retain skin moisture, integrity of skin and wound healing. 

As per J dermatol, September 2020 controlled trial, 40 μg aloe sterol (daily for 12 week) orally can increase skin moisture, function and elasticity.

According to Ann Dermatol February, 2009 study, Main component of aloe vera is effectively improves wrinkles and skin elasticity.

3. Diabetes :-

Diabetes is a chronic disease and it affect break down of food into energy. Most common symptoms of diabetes are losing weight, feeling week, more urination, blurry vision, thirsty feeling, skin and vaginal infection.

Obesity and family history is the main risk factor of high blood sugar. High blood sugar level is diagnose by using A1c test, fasting glucose test and glucose tolerance test.

Aloe vera action :- It help to reduce triglyceride and fasting plasma glucose level in body. It is use as a complementary treatment in diabetes along with diabetes medicine.

According to J Clin Pharm Ther, April 2016 review, It is effectively improve glycaemic control in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

As per Nutrients, July 2016 meta analysis, Its long term use is help to reduce the levels of fasting blood glucose and manage prediabetes as well as type 2 diabetes mellitus.

As per Phytomedicine, November 1996 clinical trail, One tablespoon aloe vera juice orally (twice a day) help to improve diabetes condition.

It use to reduce fasting blood glucose level within two weeks and triglycerides within four weeks.

4. Dental Problem And Mouth Ulcers :- 

Common symptoms of dental problem are sensitive to cold food, sensitive to sweet food, pain during eating, loose teeth, bleeding and pain in gum.

Main causes of mouth ulcer are smoking, vitamin deficiencies, eating acidic food, lack of sleep, hormonal change, some medicine, fungal, bacterial and viral infection in mouth.

Aloe vera Action :- It contain anthraquinones which help to reduce dental pain and inflammation. It is effective for mouth infection, mouth ulcer and other dental problem such as oral submucous fibrosis, oral mucositis, dental lichen planus.

According to J Clin Diagn Res, October 2014 review, It is beneficial for dental infection and dental health.

As per Oral Health Prev Dent, 2015 controlled trial, Aloe vera is effective for to treat mouth ulcer, inflammation and pain. Aloe vera mouthwash can help to reduce severity of mucositis. Its effect is similar to benzydamine (benzydamine is use to treat mouth ulcer, pain and inflammation).

According to J Pharm Bioallied Sci, April 2015 review, It is use to treat dental lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis, oral mucositis, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, alveolar osteitis and periodontitis.

As per Ethiop J Health Sci, April 2014 control trail, Both aloe vera and chlorhexidine are equally effective in reducing dental plaque (chlorhexidine is use to treat mouth infections, mouth ulcers and gum disease).

5. Antioxidant :- 

Antioxidants help to reduce the oxidative stress and prevent cells damage. It help to neutralize free radicals in body and boost overall health. The sources of antioxidants is artificial or natural.

Aloe vera action :- Its antioxidant polyphenols, alkaloids and indoles are help to reduce oxidative stress in body and prevent cell damage.

It contain minerals, amino acid and various vitamin like A, C and E which effectively prevent oxidative damage.

According to Plant Food Hum Nutr, 2019 review, Polyphenols of aloe may prevent damaged skin, food degradation, increase the shelf-life and nutritional value of food.

6. Wound Healing :- 

Breakdown of the epidermal layer is known as wound. Wound healing is classified as primary healing (close a wound by using stitches, staples, glues), secondary healing (a wound that can not be stitched) and tertiary healing (delay in wound closing).

Aloe vera action :- Its main component is beneficial for wound healing, burn, maintain skin moisture and retain skin integrity. It can be use as a complementary treatment for wound healing with wound healing medication.

As per Iran J Med Sci, January 2019 clinical trail, Aloe vera help to retain skin moisture and integrity. Aloe vera can be use to prevent skin ulcers, effective on burn wounds, postoperative wounds, cracked nipples, genital herpes, psoriasis and chronic wounds.

According to Lab Anim Res, March 2012 comparative animal study, Topical application of aloe vera gel is beneficial for wound healing process and it is more effective than silver sulfadiazine.

(silver sulfadiazine is use in prevention and treatment of skin infections).

7. Hair Problems :- 

Main causes of hair loss are medical conditions, genetic history, medications, poor nutrition, radiation therapy, stressful events, various hair treatments and hormonal changes.

Aloe vera action :- It contain amino acid, minerals, fatty acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E which help to provide strength to hair, prevent from hair loss and mild effective for dandruff.

Aloe vera exert best effect after 30-45 min of application on hair. It is good source of many vitamins and minerals which is beneficial for hair health.

8. Heartburn :- 

Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest. Citrus fruits, coffee, cheese, fried food, fast food, chocolate, pizza, chili powder, fatty meats and peppermint may increase chance of heartburn.

Aloe vera action :- Aloe vera juice help to block stomach acid and beneficial for acid reflux. Its gel is use to reduce burning chest pain, discomfort in the upper chest and effective for gastroesophageal reflux disease.

As per J Tradit Chin Med, December 2015 controlled trial, 10 ml/day aloe vera with omeprazole capsule or ranitidine tablet can significantly reduce heartburn and other gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms.

(omeprazole and ranitidine tablet can reduce amount of acid in stomach).

Side Effect Of Aloe Vera :- 

It contain many essential vitamins and mineral which is beneficial for many disease condition such as constipation, diabetes, hair problem, dental problem, mouth ulcer and wound healing.

Aloe vera is available in tables, capsule as well as gel form. It is safe for oral consumption and topical on skin use.

Some common side effects of aloe vera are :-

  • Oral administration :- In may increase chance of vomiting, stomach upset, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, electrolyte imbalances, decrease the blood sugar levels and miscarriage.
  • Topical application :- Some people are reported symptoms like itching, redness and burning sensation in skin.

Allergic peoples always avoid use of its juice, tablet or capsule. Pregnant woman avoid to drink aloe vera juice, it may chance of miscarriage.

Guide For Application Of Aloe Vera On Hair :- 

Aloe vera gel contain many vitamins, minerals which can help to improve hair problem like hair loss and dandruff.

Its amino acid, minerals, fatty acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E is beneficial for hair health.

  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and remove outer layer.
  • Collect the slightly yellow or translucent gold color gel in proper container.
  • Mix the aloe vera gel properly.
  • Let it sit for sometime.
  • Apply directly to hair for hair problems.
  • Wash after 30-40 min by water.

Is Aloe Vera Safe During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding ? :- 

It contain many essential antioxidant which is beneficial for many diseases. It is effective in the treatment of hair problem, diabetes, wound healing, dental problem, constipation and mouth ulcer.

It contain amino acid, minerals, fatty acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. Overall, aloe vera is safe but not recommended during pregnancy period.

Oral consumption of aloe vera is not recommended during pregnancy period, it may increases the chances of miscarriage and also not recommended for breastfeeding woman.

How To Grow Aloe Vera At Home ? :-

Aloe vera plant can be grow in poor grades of soils, even at dry climatic condition. Separate a younger clone from the base of aloe vera plant and grown.

It is cactus like plant and it cannot be grown from its leaf cutting. Younger clone must have short roots and some leaf. It can be survive in low natural rainfall.

  • Take a proper container with some hole in the base for water drain.
  • Take some soil and create a soil base in container.
  • Place the aloe vera root ball in container and cover the remaining surface of the container with soil
  • Give proper support to young aloe vera plant.
  • Provide daily care, sunlight and water to young aloe vera plant.

How To Make Aloe Vera Juice ? :- 

Aloe vera juice is good source of antioxidant which is use to prevent cell damage. Its oral consumption is effective for wound healing, dental problem, constipation, hair problem, diabetes, and mouth ulcer.

Aloe vera juice is rich source of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, folic acid and beta carotene. Its juice contain carbohydrate, fat, protein, calories and fiber.

Process to make :- 

  • Take a aloe vera leaf and clean it well.
  • Collect the slightly yellow or translucent gold gel in proper container and add water.
  • Blend with water.
  • Add lemon juice or pineapple juice for flavor and sugar for sweet taste.

Aloe vera contain water, sodium, calcium, sugar, carbohydrate, vitamin C and iron.

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