Almond : 6 Important Health Benefits Of Almond

Almond is a most popular nuts and excellent source of nutrients. It is use to make foods, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. Its raw, oil or toasted form can be use to eat.

Synonym :- Amygdala amara (Bitter), Amygdalus communis (Sweet).

Biological Source :- It is dried ripe seeds of plant Prunus amygdalus var amara (Bitter almonds) and Prunus amygdalus var dulcis (Sweet almonds).

Family :- It is belong to Rosaceae family.

Geographical Source :- It is cultivate in Italy, Spain, Morocco, Portugal, Sicily.

Cultivation :- Its trees have been cultivated since 4,000 B.C. Its types are bitter and sweet almond.

Macroscopic Characters :- 

  • Colour :- Brown.
  • Odour :- Odourless.
  • Taste :- Bitter and Nutty.
  • Shape :- Oblong, ovoid in shape.

Chemical Constituents :- It contain 45 to 55 % fixed oil, 20 % protein, 1 to 3 % amygdalin and 0.5 % volatile oil.

Health Benefits Of Almond :-

1. Blood Pressure :-

Its normal range is 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic blood pressure. High blood pressure have no symptoms but some people may experience shortness of breath and headache.

Its main risk factors are age, family history, overweight, high salt consumption, tobacco use, high alcohol consumption, stress and physical inactivity.

Almond Action :- It is good source of magnesium which help to reduce blood pressure. Its daily oral consumption is effective for both high systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

It can be consume in raw, oil or toasted form.

According to Nutrients, April 2018 review, 45 g of almonds (daily) can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by reducing bad cholesterol (LDL-C) levels.

As per Am J Clin Nutr, September 2017 meta analysis, It is good source of magnesium and magnesium rich supplement is beneficial for high systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure.

As Per Complement Ther Med, May 2020 meta analysis, Its daily consumption can reduce diastolic blood pressure and no any impact on systolic blood pressure.

According to Adv Chronic Kidney Dis, May 2018 review, Magnesium rich dietary supplements such as almond is help to reduce blood pressure.

2. Obesity :-

Obesity is a complex disease and it diagnose by using body mass index (BMI). Its main risk factors are lack of sleep, genetic, certain medications, pregnancy, smoking, unhealthy diet, physical inactive and stress.

Some main symptoms of obesity are snoring, increased sweating, feeling tired, breathlessness, difficulty in physical activity, joint and back pain.

Almond Action :- It is good source of calories, but many studies suggest that its consumption is effective for weight loss treatment through control on your appetite.

It is use to decrease macronutrient bioavailability, reduce total cholesterol, increase resting energy expenditure, reduce triglyceride and reduce hunger.

According to Nutrients, June 2021 review, Its consumption can decrease body mass and fat mass by enhance displacement of other foods.

As per J Res Med Sci, May 2014 randomized controlled clinical trial, A balanced almond enriched diet is help to decrease total cholesterol, triglyceride, body weight, waist circumference and improve body mass index (BMI).

3. Cholesterol Level :- 

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. High cholesterol has no symptoms. Its main risk factors of are age, obesity, poor diet, smoking, high alcohol consumption and physical inactivity.

Almond Action :- Daily consumption of almond oil or its raw form is help to reduce bad cholesterol in body.

As per Complement Ther Med, February 2019 randomized controlled trial, Its 10 ml oil (twice a day) can reduce the total cholesterol and LDL in body.

As per Am J Clin Nutr, June 2020 randomized controlled trial, It can help to decrease bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to Nutrients, April 2018 review, Its daily consumption is use reduce bad cholesterol. More studies need to investigate its mechanism of action on dyslipidemia.

4. Skin Health :-

Wrinkles are lines that form on skin and it is natural part of aging. Its main causes are aging, smoking, dehydration, certain medication, sun damage and environment factor.

Skin pigmentation affect the color of skin. It is gray, red, brown, black or pink patches on skin. It is genetics disorder and may cause due to ultraviolets ray.

Almond Action :- Its essential nutrition are help to improve skin wrinkles, skin pigmentation and skin tone. Topical application of almond oil can maintain skin moisture, protect from UV rays, improve skin tone and reduce stretch marks.

As per Nutrients, February 2021 randomized controlled trial, Its daily consumption can decrease wrinkle severity and pigment intensity in postmenopausal women.

As per Phytother Res, December 2019 randomized controlled trial, It consumption provide natural antiaging benefits and contribute to improve facial wrinkles in postmenopausal females.

According to Int J Mol Sci, January 2018 study, Topical application of its oil is beneficial for improve skin complexion, skin tone and repair of skin barrier.

5. Blood Sugar Level :- 

Main symptoms of hyperglycemia are urination often, slow healing cuts, weight loss, skin infection, fatigue, blurry vision, headache and increase thirst.

Its main causes are obesity, imbalance diet, environment, lack of physical activity and certain medication. Extracellular and intracellular magnesium deficiency is a main reason for type 2 diabetes.

Almond Action :- It is rich source of magnesium and it help to reduce blood sugar by reductions in insulin resistance. It can improve extracellular and intracellular magnesium deficiency.

Its consumption can enhance glucose metabolism and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

As per Metabolism, April 2011 randomized controlled trial, Its daily consumption is beneficial for glycemic control.

As per Front Nutr, June 2021 randomized controlled trial, It is effective for glucose metabolism by reducing HbA1c levels.

As per Nutrients, January 2021 review, It is an excellent source of magnesium and it help to reduce blood sugar level.

According to World J Diabetes, August 2015 review, Its magnesium can improve insulin resistance and oxidative stress which is beneficial for type 2 diabetes mellitus.

6. Bone :- 

Main functions of bone are to provides shape and support to the body. Calcium and phosphorus are the main component of the bone.

Almond Action :- It contain many essential nutrition which is beneficial for improving bone health. Its calcium and phosphorus minerals are use to build strong bones.

It can be use with milk to enhance the bone health. Its raw, toasted or oil form are beneficial for bone health.

Almond Nutrition :- 

It is good source of many essential nutrition and its both raw or oil form is beneficial for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bone health, skin problems, diabetes and obesity.

It is rich source of magnesium, vitamin E, mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is a premier healthy snack with many health benefits. It is using in cooking, to prepare cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.

Its nutrients are :-

  • Energy.
  • Carbohydrate.
  • Fat.
  • Fiber.
  • Protein.
  • Potassium.
  • Zinc.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Copper.
  • Manganese.
  • Selenium.
  • Folate.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin B2.

Side Effects Of Almond :- 

Its components are effective for obesity, diabetes, bone health, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin wrinkles and pigmentation. Its raw form is use to make its oil, its butter, its paste and its milk.

Its oral consumption and topical application both are totally safe for children, adult, pregnant and breast feeding women. Some peoples are allergic to almond.

It is higher energy dense food. Its common side effects are :-

  • In oral consumption (raw or oil) :- Some people may experience vomiting, nausea, hives and difficulty in swallowing. Its overeating may chance to gas, bloating and stomach cramps.
  • In topical application (oil) :- Some people may experience itching and hives.

Almond Milk :- 

Almond milk is very simple to prepare by using almonds and water. Sugar is optional to add and it is low in carbs. It can be use as an alternative to dairy milk.

Its essential nutrition’s are beneficial for skin health, obesity, bone health, diabetes, high blood pressures and high cholesterol. It is good source of magnesium and vitamin E. Its intake should be a part of healthy diet.

Preparation :- 

  • Take overnight soak almond and remove its outer layer.
  • Blend it properly with water.
  • Filter the solid material.
  • Add sugar if necessary.

Almond Oil :- 

Almond oil has nutty in taste and made by pressing almonds without using heat. It is using for hair, skin, cooking and to make beauty products. It is good source of fatty acids and many other micronutrients.

Its topical application is help to maintain skin moisture, improve skin tone, improve facial wrinkles, reduce skin pigmentation,  moisturize hair and scalp.

How to prepare almond oil at home :- 

It is prepare by using

  • Making in blender :- With the help almond and olive oil or cocoanut oil.
  • Oil press method :- With the help of almond only.

For more detail visit.

Almond oil can be use for cooking, medicine manufacturing and to make almond butter.

Sweet And Bitter Almond :-

Sweet and bitter are types of almond. Both are quite similar in appearance. Its main difference are :-

Sweet almonds :- 

  • It is most common type and familiar to consume.
  • It have nutty flavor and using in cooking, snack or baking.
  • It is safe for oral consumption.
  • It contain fixed oil.
  • Its oil is use to treat dry skin.
  • Its flowers are white or pinkish in color.
  • Its oil commonly use for home remedies.

Bitter almonds :- 

  • It is use for flavoring.
  • It is not suitable for oral consumption.
  • It contain high cyanide.
  • It contain essential oil.
  • It is not using for skin care.
  • Its extract provide scent.
  • Its flowers are light to bright pink in color.

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