Balanced Diet : 7 Components Of Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet :- Eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions to maintain a healthy body. A nutrient is a substance that digested, absorbed and used to promote body function. Balanced diet is important for nutritional supply and provides strength to body immune system.  

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A substance that need to maintain in balanced diet :-  

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Proteins.
  • Fats.
  • Vitamins. 
  • Mineral salts.
  • Non starch polysaccharide.
  • Water. 

Balanced diet contain all nutrients in right quantity required for body function. Body show adverse effect when body eaten excess or in deficient nutrients. 

A healthy body weight calculated by body mass index (BMI). 

The body mass index is calculate with the help of weight and height of the body. Normal range of BMI is 20 to 25. 

Balanced diet include vegetables, dairy products, fruits, nuts, egg and meat etc.  

The Five Main Food Groups Are :- 

  • Carbohydrate rich food like rice, bread and pasta :- Rice, bread and cheese is a rich source of carbohydrates. Rice, bread and pasta provide sustainable energy release. 
  • Fruit and vegetables :- Every fruit, vegetables contain different vitamins, minerals, fiber and it is low in fat. Always eat maximum fruit in diet. 
  • Meat, fish, egg and alternatives :- Meat, fish, egg is a rich source of fat, proteins, minerals and some vitamins. These food are essential for healthy growth of the human body. 
  • Dairy products :- Dairy products like yoghurt, cheese and milk are essential for body growth. Dairy products consist of high fat, calcium and vitamin.
  • Oils, fats and sweets :- It is rich source of nutrition.

1) Carbohydrates :-

Carbohydrate are compose of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Normally carbon atoms are arranged in a ring with oxygen and hydrogen atom. Carbohydrate is available in bread, pasta, rice, oats, biscuits, sugar, whole grain, fruit and vegetables. 

Carbohydrates are classified according to the complexity of the chemical substances. 

  • a) Monosaccharides :- Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are digested in the alimentary canal and absorbed as monosaccharides. A monosaccharide carbohydrate containing an aldehyde group is called as an aldose, those containing a ketone group called as ketoses. Examples include glucose, fructose and galactose. 
  • b) Disaccharides :- Disaccharides consist of two monosaccharide molecules. On hydrolysis of disaccharides, it give two molecules of monosaccharides. Disaccharides are crystalline water soluble compounds. e.g. sucrose, maltose and lactose.
  • c) Polysaccharides :- Polysaccharide made up of large number of monosaccharide molecule in chemical combination. Example starches, glycogen, cellulose and dextrin.

Functions Of Digestible Carbohydrates :-

  • Carbohydrate provide energy and heat.
  • Carbohydrate can be store when it is eaten in excess amount. 
  • It is structure of DNA and RNA. 
  • Carbohydrate use to spare protein.
  • Carbohydrate use to prevent ketosis.

Deficiency Of Carbohydrate :- 

  • Nausea. 
  • Constipation.
  • Dizziness. 
  • Insufficient energy.
  • Dehydration.
  • Bad breath.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headaches.

2) Proteins :- 

Proteins are made up of many smaller units called amino acids. On break down of proteins give amino acid. Amino acid compose of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

Amino acid divided into two categories : essential and non-essential.

  • Essential amino acids cannot be made by body. It must be in diet. 
  • Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized in body.

Complete protein is derived from animal sources like eggs, fish, meat, milk and also vegetables. Protein is required for to maintain health. 

Functions Of Proteins :-

  • Responsible for growth.
  • Proteins is use for hormone production.
  • Protein is source of energy.
  • Protein use to repair body cells and tissues.

Deficiency Of Protein :- 

  • Brittle hair and nails.
  • Weakness.
  • Mood changes.
  • Edema.
  • Stunted Growth.
  • Increasing infection.

3) Fats :- 

Fats consist of hydrogen and oxygen. Fats are divided into saturated group and unsaturated group. 

  • Saturated :-  It is found in milk, eggs, fish oil, butter. Saturated fats also called as animal fat.
  • Unsaturated :- It is also called vegetable fat. It is found in vegetable oils and margarine. 

Functions Of Fats :- 

  • Formation of cholesterol and steroid hormones.
  • Fat can store energy.
  • It helps to absorb vital nutrients.
  • Act as insulator for skin.
  • It prolong stomach empty time. 
  • It is source of chemical energy and heat.

Deficiency Of Fats :- 

  • Skin problems.
  • Hair loss.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Feeling hungry. 
  • Brittle nails
  • Risk for infection.

4) Vitamins :- 

Vitamins is also known as micronutrient and it play important roles in normal body function, metabolism and health. It is important for normal cell function, growth and development. They are divided into two main groups :-

  • Fat soluble vitamins :- A, D, E and K. 
  • Water soluble vitamins :- C and b complex.   

1) Fat Soluble Vitamins :- 

a) Vitamin A (retinol) :- Butter, cheese, egg yolk, liver, fish, green vegetables, oil, milk and yellow as well as red fruit are good source of vitamin A. Daily requirement for adult men 700 µg and women 600 µg.

Function Of Vitamin A (retinol) :-
  • Improving immunity system.
  • Beneficial for eye.
  • Protect against infection.
  • Helpful for cell growth.
  • Reduce acne.
  • Improve bone health.
Deficiency Of Vitamin A (retinol) :-
  • Night blindless.
  • Increase risk of infection (reparatory, ear, alimentary tracts).
  • Dry skin.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Acne 

b) Vitamin D :- Animal fats, sunflower, eggs, butter, cheese and fish liver oils are main source of vitamin D. It can be synthesize by ultraviolet rays of sun through the skin. The daily requirement is 10ul.

Functions Of Vitamin D :- 
  • Support immunity.
  • Help in emotion controlling.
  • Help to control body weight.
Deficiency Of Vitamin D :-
  • Hair loss.
  • Bone pain (rickets and osteomalacia).
  • Mental problem.
  • Fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite.

c) Vitamin E :- Nuts, egg yolk, wheat germ, whole cereal, milk and butter are main source of vitamin E. Daily requirement is 10 mg for men and 8 mg for women.

Functions Of Vitamin E :- 
  • Antioxidant agent.
  • Beneficial to various disease condition like heart and lungs.
  • Beneficial to skin health.
Deficiency Of Vitamin E :- 
  • Anemia.
  • Muscles weakness.
  • Eye problems.

d) Vitamin K :– Vegetable oils and leafy green vegetables are main sources of vitamin K. Daily requirement is 1 Ug/kg body weight. 

Function Of Vitamin K :- 
  • Help in blood clotting.
  • Improving heart and bone health.
Deficiency Of Vitamin K :- 
  • Bruises easily.
  • Bleeding.
  • Stool become black.  

2) Water Soluble Vitamins :-

A) Vitamin B Complex :-

a) Vitamin B1 (thiamine) :- Nuts, rice, bread, yogurt, yeast, egg yolk, liver, legumes, meat and fruits like bananas, oranges are main source of vitamin B1. Daily requirement is 0.8 to 1 mg and body can stores 30 mg only.

Function Of Vitamin B1 (thiamine) :- 
  • Improving cell growth and function.
  • Improving visual disturbances.
  • Boost immunity.
Deficiency Of Vitamin B1 (thiamine) :-
  • Fatigue.
  • Beriberi.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Delay in growth.
  • Increase infection. 
  • Blurry vision.

b) Vitamin B2 (riboflavine) :- Sweet potato, yeast, green vegetables, mushrooms, milk, liver, eggs, cheese and fish are main source of vitamin B2. Daily requirement is 1.1 to 1.3 mg per day.

Function Of Vitamin B2 (riboflavine) :- 
  • Help to breck down of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Effective for eye and skin health.
  • Effective for digestion and liver health.
Deficiency Of Vitamin B2 (riboflavine) :- 
  • Dry skin
  • Cracked lips and mouth.
  • Inflammation and ulcer in mouth. 
  • Red lips.
  • Anemia.
  • Digestive problem.
  • Eye problem.

c) Folate (folic acid) :- Fruit (specially citrus), nuts, fresh leafy green vegetables, grain products, beef liver and yeast are main source of folic acid. Daily requirement is 200 µg.

Function Of Folate (folic acid) :-
  • For DNA synthesis.
  • Improving pregnancy complication.
  • Help to improving brain and heart health.
Deficiency Of Folate (folic acid) :-
  • Fatigue.
  • Mouth inflammation. 
  • Anemia.
  • Mouth ulcers.
  • Weakness.
  • Psychological problems.

d) Vitamin B3 (niacin) :- Vegetables, fruits, chicken, whole grains, cheese, yeast, whole cereals, eggs, fish and nuts are main source of niacin. Daily requirement is 12 to 17 mg.

Function Of Vitamin B3 (niacin) :- 
  • Improving blood fat level.
  • Increase insulin production.
  • Improving skin and brain health.
Deficiency Of Vitamin B3 (niacin) :- 
  • Mental problems.
  • Pellagra.
  • Roughness on skin.
  • Vomiting.
  • Red tongue.
  • Mouth inflammation. 

e) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) :- Bananas, starchy vegetable, oats, egg yolk, peas, beans, soya beans, yeast, sweet potato, chicken liver and meat are main source of vitamin B6. Daily requirement is about 1.2 to 1.4 mg.

Function Of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) :-
  • Improve brain health.
  • Help in hemoglobin production.
  • Prevent eye and hearth health.
  • Improve immunity system.
Deficiency Of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) :- 
  • Anemia.
  • Mental problems.
  • Cracked lips.
  • Skin rash.
  • Weakness.

f) Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) :- Liver, meat, beef, eggs, milk and fermented liquors are main source of vitamin B12. Daily requirement is 1.5 gm.

Function Of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) :-
  • Help to produce red blood cell.
  • Improving brain and heart health. 
  • Improving immunity.
Deficiency Of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) :-
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Digestive Problems. 
  • Fatigue.
  • Skin become yellow and pale. 
  • Mental problems.
  • Mouth and tongue inflammation. 
  • Weakness.

g) Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) :- Mushrooms, potatoes, wheat, brown rice, milk, beef, chicken and sunflower seeds are main source of pantothenic acid. Daily safe intake is 3 to 7 mg.

Function Of Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) :-
  • Beneficial for heart and skin health.
  • Improving immunity.
Deficiency Of Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) :-
  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.
  • Mild infection.

h) Biotin :– Banana, whole grains, yeast, fish, meat, nuts, egg, sweet potatoes and tomatoes are main source of biotin. Daily safe intake is 10 to 20 µg.

Function Of Biotin :- 
  • Breakdown of proteins and fats.
  • Beneficial for nail health.
  • Help to control blood sugar level.
  • Support to hair and skin health. 

Deficiency Of Biotin :- 
  • Dry skin and eye.
  • Hair and nail problems.
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Mental problems.
  • Vomiting and nausea. 
B) Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) :-

Green vegetable, tomato, potatoes, citrus fruit like oranges, kiwi, lemon and grape fruit are main source of vitamin C. Daily requirement is 40 mg.

Function Of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) :- 
  • Act as an antioxidant.
  • Improving immunity.
  • Prevent heart and brain health.
Deficiency Of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) :- 
  • Anemia
  • Inflammation and pain. 
  • Roughness and dryness on skin.
  • Hair problems. 
  • Tooth loss and gum problems.
  • Slow wound healing. 

5) Mineral salts :- 

Mineral salts is an inorganic materials found in nature. It is necessary for all body processes. 

a) Calcium :- Milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts, eggs, green vegetables, almonds and fish are main source of calcium. It make up the structure of bones, teeth and use in many body functions. 

About 98% calcium is stored in the body bone. Calcium requirement is high in growing children and pregnant women. Calcium is more beneficial for bone, teeth, blood clotting and muscle contraction.   

b) Iron :-  Beef, egg yolk and green vegetable are main source of iron. It is essential for the formation of hemoglobin in blood. Iron help for carbohydrates and hormones synthesis. Increasing requirement of iron during pregnancy and menstruation. 

c) Iodine :- Iodized salt, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs and fish are main source of iodine. Iodine helps to make thyroid hormones. 

Thyroid hormones control the body metabolism and other important function. It is essential for the formation of thyroxine and triiodothyronine secreted by the thyroid gland.

d) Magnesium :- Nuts, whole grain, fish, vegetables and oats are main source of magnesium. It helps to reduce inflammation and improving immunity. 

e) Phosphate :- Dairy products, pumpkin seed, nuts, whole grain, cheese, chicken, seafood and sunflower seeds are main source of phosphate. 

It is essential part of nucleic acid and energy storage molecules. Phosphate help in muscle movement. 

f) Sodium :- Fish, meat, many vegetable juice, milk and processed food are main source of sodium. It is major extracellar and play important role in maintaining electrolyte balance as well as maintain water balance.    

g) Potassium :-  Fruits and vegetable are main source of potassium. It help to maintain electrolyte balance and nerve impulses transmission. It involve in the body muscle contraction. 

h) Copper :- Whole grain, nut, various seed and vegetable are main source of copper. It help to make red blood cell and improving immunity system. 

i) Zinc :- Fish, eggs, seafood, nuts, whole grain, whole grain, dairy product and vegetables are main source of zinc. It is important for improve immunity.

j) Chromium :- Whole grain, vegetables, fruit, nuts and eggs are main source of chromium. It is use to glucose decomposition and improve immunity.

6) Non starch polysaccharides :- 

Non starch polysaccharides show various physiological effects in the small and large intestine. Non starch polysaccharide can decrease risk of serious diet related disease.

 It is polymeric carbohydrates and totally different from starch. The daily requirement is at least 20 g. 

Functions Of NSP (dietary fibre)

  • Preventing constipation due to high absorption of water.
  • Prevents gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Supply bulk to the diet.
  • Increase the movement of digestive track. 

7) Water :- 

Water makes up about 60% of the body weight in men and about 55% in women. As per percentage, kids need more water than adults.

Water is important for regulates internal body temperature by sweating and respiration. It flushing waste mainly through urination. It is source of saliva and provide lubrication to joints.

Functions Of Water :- 

  • Regulation of body temperature.
  • Main constituent of blood and tissue fluid.
  • Dilution of waste products and poisonous substances in the body.
  • Flushing waste by urine.
  • Water provide moist to the internal body.
  • Involvement in all chemical reactions that inside and outside the body cells.
  • Moistening of food.

Important Biological Molecule :- Carbohydrate, Amino acid, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleotides, Enzymes. 

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